Monday, May 14, 2018



Have you ever wondered whether there is actual purpose in the pressure of personal tests and trials?  Well, carefully consider the following story for valuable insight into your life-situation: 

Some time ago, a group of women met in a certain city to study the scriptures, and followed up with a thought provoking discussion.  While reading the third chapter of Malachi, they came upon a remarkable expression in the third verse: “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” 

One woman’s opinion was that this verse intended to convey the concept of the sanctifying power of Jesus Christ.  She proposed to visit a silversmith and to report to her classmates what he would say.  Accordingly, she visited the silversmith, and without divulging the scriptural object of her errand she inquired about the process of refining silver, which he described in great detail to her.

“Sir,” she asked, “do you sit here all the while during the process of refining?”

“Oh, yes, madam,” replied the silversmith with conviction.  “I must sit here vigilantly and keep my eyes steadily focused on the furnace, for if the time necessary for refining is exceeded by even the slightest degree, the silver is surely injured.”

The woman at once saw the beauty and comfort of Prophet Malachi’s expression, “He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.”  While Christ finds it necessary to allow His children to experience the discomfort of the ‘furnace,’ He does it for our ultimate good, and His eye is surely and steadily intent on the gracious work of purifying us.  During our sanctifying process, His wisdom and love are fully engaged for the best possible results in the lives of His beloved children.  Therefore, believers’ trials do not occur randomly or without purpose, for in the words of Jesus Christ, “The very hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Luke 12:7) 

As the inquiring woman departed the silversmith’s shop, he called her back and said he had something more that was extremely important to mention.  He said, “The silversmith only knows that the process of purification is complete when he sees his own image clearly reflected in the silver.” The woman smiled knowingly and thanked the silversmith for sharing such valuable information.

“What a beautiful illustration!” she thought.  When Christ sees His own image reflected and shining brightly in His people, the sanctifying work of The Holy Spirit will surely have been accomplished in us, by the grace, mercy, wisdom and love of our God.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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