Monday, May 14, 2018



Some time ago, I encountered a perfect stranger at the mall.  He walked up and enthusiastically greeted me as if we were lifelong friends.  My first thought was ‘What is he selling?’  Nevertheless, because his charisma and intellect intrigued me, and since I had no pressing engagements, we conversed for quite some time.  This young man, likely late-twenties in age, rattled on and on, sharing personal insights and perspectives on politics and religion, family and friends, failures and successes, a full menu of life experiences.

One memorable remark caught my attention.  He casually referred to himself as “Chameleon Man.”  When I asked why, he responded “I have the uncanny ability to change myself completely, to totally adapt to any situation.  In fact, I can BE anybody…so I AM everybody!”

I paused to reflect and then countered, “That’s an interesting point of view.  However, since you change so often and so significantly, do YOU ever get ‘lost in the sauce’ – carried away by your own extensive repertoire of emotional disguises?”  He laughed loudly.  “That’s clever!” he replied with much more volume that the environment warranted.  “Come to think of it,” he continued, “yes, there are times when I’m not sure WHO I am.”  We talked a while longer; I prayed with him and invited him to church.

During my drive home, I contemplated our wide-ranging discourse and came to the realization that there are multiplied millions who could honestly self-identify as “Chameleon Man,” or “Woman,” as the case may be.  Indeed, most of us try a bit too hard to fit in neatly with the masses.  Let’s be clear.  I’m not advocating for anyone to adopt a rebellious or contentious spirit.  But it’s apparent that so many do not embrace our God-created distinctives due to some vague notion or need for conformity, driven by the societal pressure to FIT IN.

Frankly, this mindset is synonymous with FEAR.  It deprives us of uniqueness, erodes self-esteem and produces a herd-mentality, i.e. what I call “GROUP THINK.”

HOWEVER, GOD FORMED YOU FOR HIS PLEASURE AND THEN THREW AWAY THE MOLD.  There’s nobody else exactly like you.  Consider this.  Fashion dictates conformity to the current season’s most popular colors, fabrics and styles.  My friend, YOU are infinitely more than that, so stay out of the ‘superficial-imitation-lane’ when it comes down to identifying and actualizing your God-ordained reason for being alive and present on the planet.

Hey YOU…show up!  HUMAN LIFE, from Heaven’s perspective, is definitely a CHAMELEON-FREE ZONE!

Why?  Firstly, God not empowers your created distinctiveness, He is ultimately glorified by the uniqueness of YOU.  Secondly, while seated on your rocker in the twilight of your journey, you would never want to languish in life-regret, looking back and thinking ‘If I had only been ME’…

Identify Heaven’s highest hopes for YOU, and deploy your destiny.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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