Born in the English
village of Ockham, a Franciscan friar named William was a 14th century
philosopher and logician. The famous principle attributed to him (but
likely developed earlier by the French monk, Durandus) came to known as OCCAM’S RAZOR (spelled differently
than the name of his home village). In its simplest form, Occam’s Razor
says this: “When two competing theories make exactly the same predictions, the
simpler one is the better.” In other words, Occam’s Razor suggests that
the simplest explanation for the unknown is usually the right one.
The origin of the
universe has always intrigued me. For centuries, there has been a
somewhat controversial competition between the science and faith communities
regarding both the origins of the universe and humankind. While much of
the scientific community (certainly not all) has traditionally embraced the
theory of Darwinian evolution, there is a much simpler way to view the origins
of all that we see. Occam’s Razor is an appropriate application in this
The simpler view
for the origins of our universe is known as INTELLIGENT DESIGN, which is the
notion that “certain features of the universe and of living things are best
explained by an INTELLIGENT CAUSE, not an undirected process such as natural
selection.” Before I go into more detail about Darwin’s theory, allow me
to state four general reasons why I am a firm believer in intelligent design.
1. I believe that, in
every case, the WORD OF GOD is
right. The Bible clearly states that “In the beginning, GOD created the
heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) The mere fact that humans cannot
comprehend the ‘how’ of divine creation does not cause it to be false or
2. It is virtually
impossible for me to accept the possibility that all that we see (including us)
is the result of an extraordinary series of random events.
3. It is a fact that
the form and structure of what we observe in the macrocosm of the larger
universe is repeated identically in the microcosm of the atom, the basic
building block of every element, for example hydrogen or carbon. One
simple example of this is the fact that a given number of electrons (depending
on which element we are referring to) are set in a systematic revolution around
the nucleus of the atom, much like the planets in our solar system revolve in
systematic revolution (with phenomenal precision) around the sun. On a
larger and more cosmic level, our solar system is also set in a systematic
revolution around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. My
conclusion: This duplication of form on the macrocosmic and microcosmic level
is far to intricate and artful to be random or accidental. The more
logical conclusion is that these forms and structures are intentional, as are
their atomic and sub-atomic components.
4. There are many
missing pieces in Darwinian theory, so much so that a huge leap of faith is
required to ‘believe’ all that this theory holds to be irrefutable truth.
And if I am left with the choice of making a leap of faith to embrace the
perspective of a man or the declaration of Almighty God, then I choose to come
down on the side of God.
Now let’s take a
closer look at some of the ‘holes’ in Darwinian theory. Indeed, there are
(at least) five major problems with the current theories of biological and
chemical evolution. I will address two of them today.
GENETICS: Darwinian theory depends upon random mutations
that are naturally selected – with no overall guide or goals. Many
scientists have concluded that such random mutations would actually cause harm
to the organisms and would not (as Darwin suggested) lead to more complex
organisms over time. According to Lynn Margulis, a biologist in the
National Academy of Sciences, “new mutations do not create new species, they
create offspring that are impaired.” And Pierre-Paul Grasse, a past
president of the French Academy of Sciences, draws a similar conclusion:
“Mutations have a very limited ‘constructive capacity’ because no matter how
numerous they may be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution.”
Note: A “mutation” is a sudden departure from the parent
type in one or more heritable characteristics, which is caused by a change in a
gene or a chromosome. The word “mutation” also refers to the individual
or species resulting from such a departure. (Source:
BIOCHEMISTRY: Unguided and random processes cannot
possibly produce cellular complexity. Our cells are like miniature
factories, but they are much more complex than anything that has ever been
constructed by human beings. Our cells use miniature circuits, motors,
feedback loops and encoded language. Importantly, they contain systems to
check for errors, thus protecting and repairing DNA. Darwinian theory
fails to adequately explain how cells become more complex and morph from one
biological family (phylum) to another. According to the noted biochemist,
Franklin Harold, “there are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts of the
evolution of any biochemical or cellular system, only a variety of wishful
As stated
previously, if I am required to make a ‘leap of faith’ based on the option to
either embrace the Word of God or the speculations of men, I choose to believe
GOD. Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!
Sisters and
brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE
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