Tuesday, January 14, 2020



May I be transparent with you? After more than five decades in the Christian ministry, it occurs to me that I have not always done my best. Although I have been genuinely committed to the faith, there are times that I have stumbled and fallen. I have written much, but there are numerous untold stories and books that remain hidden and buried within. I have befriended many, but there are times I simply failed to be there when others needed me most.

Undoubtedly, one could emotionally exhaust one’s self with an endless array of tasks not done, friendships not fulfilled, missions not accomplished, grace not deserved, etc., etc., etc.

However, I have learned one valuable lesson along the way. Life is not about any of the things that seem spectacular, nor about the demonstrative acts that gain the accolades and applause of people.

Life is simply about showing up – every day – and allowing the Light of the World to shine through the stained prism of one's earthly existence and errors. Thank God for grace. Thank God for mercy.

Dear Lord,
I earnestly promise to report for duty tomorrow (if it be Your will), and I ask that You continue to use me in spite of my flaws, faults, foibles, failures and fiascoes. I pray in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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