Tuesday, January 21, 2020



I AM A BELIEVER.  I thought it might be instructive and inspirational to share some personal points of faith, i.e. to delineate my specific reasons for being a lifetime proponent of Christianity.  There are many.

There is substantial evidence supporting the existence of GOD (whom I cannot see) in everything I do see.

The Psalmist David stated it eloquently and succinctly: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1)

It is impossible to objectively view the universe without perceiving traces of INTELLIGENT DESIGN.  However, much of modern science (not all) is based on a perspective that is the polar opposite of a divinely created universe.  In truth, it is much more difficult for me to wrap my brain around concepts like THE BIG BANG THEORY, which was set forth by George Gamow in 1948.  It suggests that the entire universe emerged from a monumental explosion of compressed hot neutrons and has been expanding ever since in all directions at the speed of light.

This theory produces more questions than answers.  Simple logic makes it extremely difficult to imagine that ALL of the material that makes up the 100-billion-plus galaxies in the observable universe, with estimates of up to 400 billion stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy with innumerable planets, could possibly be contained in one relatively tiny primordial substance and space.

However, if there is any credibility in The Big Bang Theory, I believe it must align with a principle set forth by Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, that GOD IS THE FIRST CAUSE.  That is, the universe was designed and created by GOD, not by some spontaneous and unexplainable event that science ‘supposes’ might have occurred at some point in the far distant past.

While the principle of evolution is accepted as absolute fact in academia, a careful study of the same reveals major MISSING LINKS in that process which allegedly produced humankind.  When the full picture is known, it is far easier to believe that both the universe and its inhabitants were CREATED, not produced by random accidents of nature and genetic selection.

Additionally, a side-by-side comparison of the structure of the heavens and the human body yields incredible insights and substantial evidence of intelligent design.  The orderly MACROCOSM of the galaxies (and even our solar system) is divinely duplicated in the MICROCOSM of the atom, which is the basic building block of all elements.  That is, the nucleus of an atom (comprised of neutrons and protons) is situated at the center of orbiting electrons, strangely similar to the way that planets circle their stars (suns).  It’s intelligent design!

Belinda and I have traveled extensively, but when we experienced the indescribable beauty of The Grand Canyon and other world wonders, we were awestruck by the infinite diversity and phenomenal beauty of God’s world.   And gazing far beyond our Earth, the Hubble telescope presents panoramic glimpses of the gargantuan spaces and places in God’s created universe.  My very soul sings, “HOW GREAT THOU ART!”

In 2015, NASA’s New Horizons completed a photographic fly-by of Pluto, traveling over 3 billion miles since 2006 to reach the outermost planet in our solar system (now downgraded to a dwarf planet).  While this feat constitutes a scientific achievement of monumental proportions, it pales in comparison (time-wise and distance-wise) to the post-resurrection ASCENSION of Jesus Christ and the imminent RAPTURE of His Church.  While it took NASA nine years to propel New Horizons TO THE EDGE OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, believers shall be changed from mortal to immortality (instantaneously) and transported TO THE FARTHEST HEAVENLY EDGE OF GOD’S UNIVERSE – “in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.” (I Corinthians 15:52)

There is substantial evidence supporting the existence of GOD (whom I cannot see) in everything that I can see.  And that’s just one more reason why I believe.  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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