In pursuit of dreams
and goals, some people have the tendency to move too fast. The
unfortunate by-products of these helter-skelter lifestyles are bad decisions,
knee-jerk reactions, high anxiety and even poor health. It is mission
critical to regularly reserve quality time to relax, meditate, pray, think and
restore ESSENTIAL BALANCE in one’s body, soul and spirit.
noted archaeologist once hired Inca tribesmen to lead him to a site deep within
the Andes Mountain range. After some time, the tribesmen stopped and
insisted they would go no further. The archaeologist grew impatient, then
angry. But no matter how much he cajoled the tribesmen, they would not
move forward. Then, all of a sudden, the tribesmen changed their
attitude. They picked up their gear and set off once more. When the
bewildered archaeologist asked why they had stopped and refused to move for so
long, the tribesmen answered, “We had been moving too fast and had to wait for
our souls to catch up.”
this sounds a bit superstitious to us, it does contain a kernel of
truth. MOVING TOO FAST is not only detrimental to the BODY, it
is potentially damaging to the SOUL. King Solomon wrote, “Keep your HEART
[your SOUL, your MIND] with all diligence, for out it spring the issues of
life.” (Proverbs 4:23, NKJV) Keeping your heart simply means tending to
it with consistency and care. Remember this. Your consistent failure to purposefully allow
‘ME TIME’ could cause you to miss out on seeing ‘THE BIG PICTURE.’
It reminds me of the
story of a young man who approached the foreman of a logging crew to ask for a
job. “That depends,” replied the foreman. “Let’s see you fell this tree.”
The young man stepped
forward, and skillfully felled a great tree. Impressed, the foreman
exclaimed, “You can start on Monday!”
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday rolled by. On Thursday
afternoon the foreman approached the young man and said, “You can pick up your
pay check on the way out today.”
Startled, the young
man replied, “I thought you paid on Friday.”
“Normally we do,” said
the foreman. “But we’re letting you go because you’ve fallen behind.
Our daily felling charts show that you dropped from first place on Monday
to last place today.”
“But I’m a hard
worker,” the young man objected. “I arrive first, leave last, and even
work through coffee breaks!”
Sensing the young
man’s integrity, the foreman thought for a minute and then asked, “Have you
been sharpening your axe?”
The young man replied,
“No sir, I’ve been working way too hard to take time out for that!”
Our lives are just
like that. It’s easy to become so busy that there is far too little time
SHARPEN THE AXE! In today’s world everyone is more driven than ever, but
all too often we are less productive and less happy than ever. Why is
that? Could it be that we have forgotten to take time to attend to the
CORE ISSUES that define us and ultimately lead us into peace, productivity and destiny?
Take time for YOU. Sharpen your axe!
This devotional is
especially written for those who always serve the needs and wants of others. My friend, you will serve infinitely better
when you reserve personal time and effort to be at YOUR BEST!
Sisters and brothers,
be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO
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