Monday, April 13, 2020



It isn’t always about how LONG we have done something; it’s about how WELL we have done it.

Two teachers applied for an administrative position in their high school.  One had been teaching for 8 years, and the other for 20.  Everyone expected the teacher with the greater seniority to land the job, but when a decision was handed down the person with only 8 years of teaching was chosen.  

The more tenured teacher felt cheated out of the opportunity and reacted bitterly: “I’ve got 20 years teaching to her 8,” he complained, “so I’m much more qualified.”

The School Board’s response was simple: “Yes sir, you do have 20 years to her 8.  But where she has 8 years of diverse teaching experience, you have 1 year of experience repeated 20 times.”

The mere passage of time does not guarantee that we have grown, learned or accomplished as we ought.  We must be careful to pay attention and perform at our God-ordained ‘best,’ which means that we should not continually exist on ‘cruise control.’  Let’s examine ourselves – systematically, prayerfully and honestly.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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