Sunday, May 24, 2020



Have you noticed that, at times, Heaven seems to be abjectly silent as some prayers appear to be unanswered?  Small wonder that in a world that is serially challenged by pain and problems, it could be all too easy to grow increasingly cynical and buy into the absurd notion that God does not care.

One day a young woman was walking home from work when she noticed a little girl standing on a street corner begging.  The little girl’s clothes were paper-thin and dirty, her hair was matted and smelly, and her cheeks were bright red because of the fierce winter wind and cold.

The young woman dutifully dropped a few coins into the little girl’s begging bowl, gave her a tentative smile and walked on.  As she headed homeward, however, she started to feel really guilty.  How could she be at ease in her cozy house with a full pantry and an ample wardrobe while that poor little girl languished and shivered on the streets?

Suddenly this young woman began to feel quite angry with God.  She expressed strong disappointment in a loud ‘prayer’ of protest.  “GOD,” she accused, “how could you let this sort of thing happen?  Why don’t you DO something to help this young girl?”

And then, much to her surprise, God actually answered.  He whispered softly, “I did do something.  I created YOU.”

Think about it.  If we are not part of the solution, perhaps we are part of the problem.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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