Wednesday, June 10, 2020



In my early life, I feared death – quite a lot.  That is no longer the case since I continue to make my “calling and election sure” through the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (II Peter 1:10)  Admittedly however, I am my own greatest critic when it comes to evaluating and analyzing the God-given purpose for which I was created, and my perception of distance from the same. 

Occasionally, for no particular reason, I find myself contemplating my own demise – which quickly morphs into a rigorous self-examination.  But let me be perfectly clear.  On such occasions, my thoughts seldom center on the views or expectations of others.  Instead, I make every effort to objectively evaluate myself, i.e. my motives, my thoughts, my words, my decisions, my deeds and my accomplishments by comparing and contrasting myself with the immutable teachings found in God’s Word.  This works rather well for me.

Although this might seem to be a rather morbid thought, I suppose that the ultimate examination of life would be to consider carefully how you might ‘SEE’ your life through the lens of some terminal illness, while lying on your deathbed.  Go ahead and ‘try’ it.  After reading the reflective questions below, please close your eyes and prayerfully ponder:

If this hour was the time of my departure, would I be prepared to meet my Maker in peace?

Do my attitudes and my actions reflect the teachings of Christ?

Are there unhealthy or broken relationships I should seek to mend?

Have I walked through life and embraced daily circumstances with boldness?  Have I lived according to the expectations of God, walking with humility and confidence, or have I merely existed within real or imaginary boundaries that others have sought to superimpose on my life?

Am I truly deserving of Heaven’s compensations, or have I put in just enough time and effort to get by? 

Have doubt and fear set limits on my faith and paralyzed my progress?

 Have I sown seeds of joy, mercy, peace and wisdom – or have I been a painful thorn in the flesh?

 Have I served others with love, compassion and consistency?  Are there any infirmed, incarcerated, or indigent persons who are ‘better off’ because of my investment of time, talent and treasure?

Have I done my best with the gifts God endowed at birth and those developed along life’s journey?

 Have I striven to be obedient to His Word, or have I lived as a maverick, going my own way?

 Have I maintained a strong Christ-connection through frequent prayer, intimate worship, systematic Word study and righteous living – and have I been an effective ambassador to those who are lost?

 Have I fully committed and engaged in the community of faith, or have I been an apathetic participant, or have I been a strident critic of church leaders and members?

 Have I walked in loving covenant with my family, spouse, children, parents, siblings and friends?

 Have I learned to forgive and to show kindness, even when it is not reciprocated to me and mine?

 Am I a life-long-learner, or am I a know-it-all?

 Have I focused on empire-building, or establishing the Kingdom of God?

 These questions might lead to others that are far more personal and applicable to your life situation.  I hope so.  While we should never live in fear, our existence must be substantively and seriously examined.  Before any of us can hear our Savior saying “Well done,” we should be able to whisper those same words within our own spirits – with full measures of self-awareness, integrity, transparency, peace and gratitude.

 What does JESUS think?  What would JESUS say?  My friend, it’s all that really matters.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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