Thursday, July 23, 2020



Landmines are explosive, concealed, military devices, which are designed to passively destroy or disable enemy targets without the risk of directly engaging a warring adversary.  Injury or death may result, either from the direct blast or from lethal fragments hurled with great force from its epicenter.  During past wars, landmines were detonated by direct pressure, i.e. the weight of the person stepping on the landmine or a vehicle driving over it.

 The latest generation of landmines is deployed to destroy military personnel and vehicles.  These weapons are called “I.E.D.’s” or IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICES.  During our most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, numerous allied combatants lost life or limb as the result of these I.E.D.’s.  The use of such landmines remains controversial because they are condemned by “The Geneva Conventions,” seven treaties and protocols that establish standards of humanitarian treatment during warfare [1949], and later they were legally prohibited by “The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines.” [1997]

 It is important to recognize that landmines are typically deployed by COWARDS who seek to destroy their enemies from a safe distance.  It occurs to me that THE CHIEF COWARD, Satan, plants spiritual landmines in his desperate attempts to “kill and destroy” the people of God. (John 10:10)

 How so?  This archenemy of THE CROSS OF CHRIST is fully aware that he could never damage or destroy Almighty God.  Recognizing this, every satanic strategy of tactical destruction is aimed directly at the “children of God,” whom he recognizes as “heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” (Romans 8:17)

 Satanic landmines are deployed by a variety of agents and in a myriad of life-circumstances.  The I.E.D.’s of hell include all of the following and more: 1) Our perceptions of hurt and abandonment when we are on the receiving end of unwarranted criticism; 2) The temptation to become divided against our spiritual siblings over trivial matters; 3) The human tendency to internalize anxiety, loneliness and/or depression during times of loss or grief; 4) Our habit of holding on to stress, doubt and fear instead of fully trusting in God and His unfailing Word; 5) Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

 We are warned by the Apostle Peter to constantly be on the lookout for cataclysmic life-landmines.  “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Peter 5:8)

 Nevertheless, I bear exciting news!  GOD has endowed and armed us with robust weapons of spiritual warfare that can obliterate every I.E.D. deployment by our sworn enemy. (II Corinthians 10:4)  Additionally, we are privy to advance intelligence briefings which precisely identify the location and potency of spiritual landmines. 

 By what means are we provided such life-saving information?  Whenever we “pray without ceasing” – whenever we “study to show ourselves approved unto God” – whenever we “walk in the Spirit” – we are amenable and available for THE HOLY SPIRIT to teach us and reveal potentially destructive “things to come.” (I Thessalonians 5:17 – Galatians 5:25 – II Timothy 2:15 – John 14:26-27 – John 16:13)  Finally, we are assuredly shrouded and safeguarded in the “whole armor of God,” through which no satanic weapon can penetrate or prevail. (Ephesians 6:11-18 – Isaiah 54:17)

 Does this mean that spiritual warriors are exempt from watchfulness during our requisite stint of service in the Army of the Lord?  Absolutely not!  Christ commands that we “watch and pray” to nullify the power of satanic I.E.D.’s (Matthew 26:41)  In fact, PRAYERFUL WATCHFULNESS is the requisite key to our being “accounted worthy to escape all things that shall come to pass.” (Luke 21:36)  My friend, be on the lookout for hell’s destructive landmines while trusting in the peace, safety and security of Almighty God.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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