Sunday, January 16, 2022



 It is said that integrity is what one does in the dark, distant from the glaring light of witnesses.  In short, integrity involves scores of ethical decisions, large or small, along life’s journey.  But Solomon contends that it is actually “the little foxes that spoil the vines.” (Song of Solomon 2:15) This means that our so-called ‘mini-transgressions’ can gradually result in massive erosions in conscience, judgment and behavior.

 Consider this.  While popular theories held that the Titanic was the victim of a huge gash caused by an iceberg, an international team of divers and scientists used sound waves to probe the sunken wreckage buried in mud under two-and-a-half miles of ocean water.  They discovered that the damage footprint was surprisingly small in size.  Instead of one large gash, they found six relatively narrow slits across the six watertight ship chambers.  It would seem that the small damage, invisible to most, is not only capable of sinking a world-class ocean liner, but also able to destroy our character and reputation.

 My friends, we must not allow satanic deception to shipwreck our lives and abort our destinies.  The archenemy of our souls wants us to view what Heaven classifies as “sin” as small and harmless stuff.  So we must maintain laser sharp focus on the Word, always embracing the admonition of our Savior, which simply insists, “Watch…and pray.” (Matthew 26:41)  By so doing, we will nurture and sustain integrity.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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