Saturday, November 19, 2022



You may never know the seed blessings you have planted in someone’s life, just by deciding to be an on-purpose encourager.  Consider the following true story.

Forty thousand fans were on hand in the Oakland stadium when Rickey Henderson tied Lou Brock’s career record of stolen bases.  According to USA Today, Lou Brock, who left baseball in 1979, had actively followed Henderson's baseball career and was extremely excited about his success.  Realizing that Rickey would set a new record, Brock said, “I’ll be there.  Do you think I’m going to miss it?  Rickey did in 12 years what took me 19 to do.  He’s amazing!”

The greatest success stories in life are actually the people who can rejoice in the successes of others.  What Lou Brock did in cheering on Rickey Henderson should be a way of life, both in our natural families and in the family of God.  Few circumstances give us a better opportunity to exhibit God’s grace than when someone succeeds and surpasses us in an area of our own strength and achievement. 

My friend, be an encourager.  It’s a marvelous blessing to others – in ways you may never know.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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