Monday, February 13, 2023



Happy Valentine’s Day!  In case you don’t already know it, here’s the back-story for this widely celebrated folk holiday.

The origin of Saint Valentine’s Day goes back to the 3rd century.  At that time, the Roman Empire was being invaded by Goths.  At the same time, the Plague of Cyprian (probably smallpox) broke out killing 5,000 people a day at its height. So many died that the Roman army was depleted of soldiers.  And Roman Emperor Claudius II needed more soldiers to fight the invading Goths.  He believed that men fought better if they were not married, so he banned traditional marriage in the military.

Rome was also torn apart from internal rivalries which continued since the assassination of the previous Emperor named Gallienus.  Emperor Claudius II quelled these tensions by requesting that the Roman Senate deify Emperor Gallienus, so as to be worshiped along with the other Roman gods.  Citizens were forced to worship the Roman gods and the ‘deified’ emperors, by placing a pinch of incense on a fire before their statues.

Those who refused to worship the Roman gods were considered politically incorrect or unpatriotic enemies of the state, many of whom were killed.  Later, persecution ordered Emperor Decius specifically targeted Christians with legislation forcing them to deny their faith or die.  During the first three centuries of Christianity, there were ten major persecutions in which the government threw Christians to the lions, boiled them alive, had their tongues cut out, or worse. Roman soldiers would break into church meetings held in the catacombs or homes, confiscating and destroying Christian writings, scriptures and church records.

Because so many records were destroyed, details of Saint Valentine’s life are somewhat scant. What little is known is from the works of the historian Eusebius, compiled around 362 AD and the writings of one of the early church fathers, Jerome.

Though several individuals may have had that name, it appears Saint Valentine was either a priest in Rome or a bishop in central Italy.  He risked the emperor’s wrath by standing up for traditional marriage, secretly marrying soldiers to their young brides.   When Emperor Claudius demanded that Christians deny their faith and worship pagan idols, Saint Valentine refused.  He was arrested, dragged before the Prefect of Rome, and condemned to die.

While awaiting execution, his jailer asked Saint Valentine to pray for his blind daughter.  When she miraculously regained her sight, the jailer converted to Christianity and was baptized, along with many others.  Right before his execution, Saint Valentine wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter, signing it, “from your Valentine.”

Saint Valentine was beaten with clubs and stoned.  When that failed to kill him, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate on February 14, 269 AD. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius designated February 14th as “Saint Valentine’s Day.”  It was initially celebrated as a liturgical feast to honor the life and memory of a church martyr.  Since then, it has morphed into an annual celebration of human affection and love.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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