Monday, March 17, 2014



THE HOLY SPIRIT proclaims the urgent message that JESUS CHRIST will return soon. To recap, for the sake of clarity, we utilize the terms, “Phase One” and “Phase Two” to describe the Second Coming of ChristPhase One is THE RAPTURE, and Phase Two is THE GLORIOUS APPEARANCE.  Some scriptures refer to the first event; some refer to the second.  THE RAPTURE is for a select group of people, The Church.  Christ will return soon and reveal Himself to His people.  This event will be accomplished in absolute secrecy, and the world will wonder: ‘What has happened? Where are the missing people?’ (Matthew 24:37-42)  At the Rapture, Christ will arrive mid-air to receive and transport believers to the “Father’s house,” in fulfillment of His promise. (John 14:1-3)

THE GLORIOUS APPEARANCE, on the other hand, is for everyone.  It will be a globally observed event, occurring at the end of The Tribulation Period.  In this second phase, “every eye shall see Him.” (Revelation 1:7)  Approximately seven years after The Rapture, Christ will return to earth with great glory.  He will set down on the Mount of Olives; He will defeat Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet and their followers; He will establish His earthly kingdom; and, He will ultimately judge fallen humanity.  And HE shall reign “for ever and ever.”  Hallelujah! (Luke 1:33 and Revelation 11:15) 

Today’s lesson is a detailed accounting of the events that will take place immediately before, and during and after The Glorious Appearance of JESUS Christ.  They are summarized below:

Events of The Glorious Appearance

--A mid-east peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians will be negotiated and signed.  This treaty is prophetically identified as ‘The Confirmation of the Abrahamic Covenant.’ (Genesis 12:1-2 – Genesis 15:18-21 – Daniel 9:27)  The Antichrist will use the false peace that will emerge as a means of destroying many. (Daniel 8:23-25)
--The third Jerusalem Temple will be constructed. (Daniel 9:27Revelation 11:1-2)  Jesus Christ, Daniel, Paul, and John all refer to the temple in the last days; therefore, we know it must be rebuilt.  
--Temple sacrifices will be reinstituted in Israel in the last days. (Daniel 9:27 – Daniel 12:11)  Daniel prophesied that the Antichrist will terminate these daily sacrifices.  For this to occur, the Jewish sacrificial system must have first been restored in the last days.  The Temple Institute has already created all temple furniture, vessels, and priestly garments, even the necessary blueprints for temple construction.  Currently, there are several hundred young Jewish men in training for the Levitical priesthood. 
--A one-world global government will be formed.  (Daniel 2:40-44 – Daniel 7:23 – Revelation 13:7-8)  This is actually the revived Holy Roman Empire, which encompass and dominate the world. The European Union has steadily moved forward in its attempt to unite Europe politically and economically. It has succeeded in creating a European parliament, a court, and a common currency.
--Many of this final generation will be open to receiving a mark on their right hands or foreheads from the Antichrist.  This could be easily facilitated by modern identification and tracking technology.  All those who do not take the mark of the beast (666) will be unable to participate in the economy, i.e. they will not be able to buy or sell anything. (Revelation 13:11-18)
--Babylon (formerly called Babel in Genesis 10:10) will re-emerge in the land of Shinar, known today as the nation of Iraq. (Isaiah 13)  This city will be destroyed in one day. (Isaiah 21:9 – Jeremiah 51:8 – Revelation 14:8 – Revelation 18:2)
--Jerusalem will be a “cup of trembling” and a “burdensome stone” to all nations. (Zechariah 12:2-3)  We hear frequent news reports on the conflict over Jerusalem. The United Nations, the Vatican, and many world leaders want to make it an international city.  However, God says that Jerusalem is HIS, that He has assigned it to the children of Abraham, and that His name shall be there forever. (Genesis 15:18 – Leviticus 25:23 – II Chronicles 6:6)
--Many nations will unite in an attempt to conquer Israel. (Psalm 83:4-8Zechariah 12:2)  Russia (Magog and Gog) will re-emerge as a military power and become a leader in the attack on Israel.  We are currently witnessing the re-emergence of Russia as a world power, many years after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union.  Their quest to annex strategic portions (perhaps all) of the Ukraine is clear evidence of this.  Russia will be joined in this attack against Israel by Iran (Persia), Sudan (Cush), Libya (Put), Turkey (Meschech, Tubal, Gomer, Togarmah), Ethiopia, other Arab/Islamic nations, along with the “kings from the east,” who will deploy an army of 200 million soldiers to attack Israel. (Ezekiel 38 – Revelation 9:14-16 – Revelation 16:12
--The Euphrates River will be “dried up” and will become a military staging and entry point into Israel. (Revelation 16:12) Today, the massive Ataturk Dam in Turkey, completed in 1990, has the ability to hold back the Euphrates and to totally dry up its river bed.
--Israel will remain invincible because it is under divine covenant and protection. (Genesis 12:1-3 – Genesis 15:18 – Zechariah 12:6-9) Since 1948, tiny Israel has been attacked in three major wars and several lesser wars.  Despite being vastly outnumbered, they have defeated all attacking foes.  Even during the final conflict, when it looks like Israel could be annihilated, the Lord will deliver her miraculously. (Jeremiah 30:3-7 – Zechariah 14 – Mark 13:14-20)  An invincible Israel makes no common or military sense, unless one believes in the Word of God.
--[Note: The following is not intended to be a ‘slam’ against the largest branch of the institutional church, but it is a prophetic fact].  Either the present or future head of the Roman Catholic Church (The Pope) is the most likely candidate to become The False Prophet, who will work in conjunction with The Antichrist to form a One World Church (“Mystery Babylon”) that will be inclusive of all religions.  He will empowered by Satan to perform impressive signs and wonders, including calling down fire from Heaven.  Eventually, the One World Church will worship The Antichrist exclusively. (Revelation 17 – Revelation 18:7 – Revelation 13:11-15)
--The Glorious Appearance of Jesus Christ will occur immediately after the seven-year Tribulation Period. (Matthew 24:29)
--The Glorious Appearance will be preceded by unprecedented changes in the sun, moon and stars. (Joel 2:30 and Matthew 24:29)  [Note: Read my previous devotional series on “The Blood Moons” (alternatively, Google that topic or view film clips on to gain further insight into how key astronomical events have aligned in the past (and will align in the very near future) with the Covenant Feasts of Israel].  These are powerful indicators of Christ’s imminent return.
--Jerusalem’s Eastern Gate will remain closed until the Messiah returns.  After His Glorious Appearing, Jesus Christ will enter Jerusalem through the permanently sealed Eastern Gate. (Ezekiel 44:1-3)
--Heaven will open and Jesus Christ will be appear (seen by the whole world) riding on a white horse. (Revelation 19:11-16)
--Jesus Christ will be followed by the armies of heaven. (Revelation 19:14)
--The “Sign of the Son of Man” will appear in the heavens, visible to every person worldwide.  Most likely, this sign will be the cross. (Matthew 24:30)
--Jesus Christ will touch down on the earth with great power and glory. (Matthew 24:30)
--Unbelievers will mourn, for they will immediately realize that they are not ready to receive or be judged by Him. (Matthew 24:30)
--The Beast (the Antichrist) and his armies will confront Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 17:14 – Revelation 19:19)
--All who have rejected Jesus Christ and survived the Tribulation Period will be killed, along with the armies that oppose Him, who will be destroyed by “the sword,” i.e. the Word of His mouth. (Revelation 19:21)
--Jesus Christ will cast the Beast (The Antichrist) and the False Prophet into the lake of fire. (Revelation 19:20)
--Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit and chained for one thousand years. (Revelation 20:1-3)
--The Resurrection of the Old Testament saints and Tribulation saints will occur. (Revelation 20:4)
--Christ will judge the nations and the wicked (with the assistance of His saints) and His Kingdom will be established forever. (Matthew, chapter 25 – Revelation 11:15 – Revelation 22:5)

There are two remaining devotional posts for this end-times series.  The next devotional will address the related issues of God’s final judgment and the nature of (and reasons for) the eternal punishment of the wicked.  The final devotional will highlight the eternal joys of Heaven and the rewards for the righteous.  Sisters and brothers, stay prayerfully attentive as our end-times series progresses, and be continually blessed!

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