Wednesday, August 20, 2014



In this series, we continue our examination of FOUR ADVERSARIES that show up when believers are divinely positioned to walk through open doors of present and future opportunity.  To reprise the Apostle Paul’s relevant insight: “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me…and there are many ADVERSARIES.” (I Corinthians 16:9)  To briefly recap, Adversary Number One is SITUATIONAL DOUBT, a satanic strategy deployed to induce uncertainty and fear as we experience the unfamiliar.  Adversary Number Two is GIFT-BASED PRIDE.  As the polar opposite of doubt, it is the archenemy’s malicious intent to ‘blow-up’ a believer’s ego and distort his/her self-image, especially pertaining to natural blessings and spiritual gifts.  Today, let’s go a little farther in our explanation of these satanic strategies that are tantamount to spiritual warfare.

Adversary Number Three manifests to move believers toward too much INDEPENDENCE, as opposed to establishing submitted Kingdom partnerships with God and mutual covenant relationships with our spiritual siblings.

This tendency towards an exaggerated sense of independence is especially pronounced in societies where personal freedoms are prized and exalted above all else.  For example, in the USA we pride ourselves on exercising freedom of speech, a first amendment constitutional right.  Because of this, we feel legally entitled to say whatever we want – when, where, how and why we choose to say it.  But history proves that positive outcomes elude individuals who place wisdom on the shelf and insist on having their say.  Fact is, the Word vigorously opposes loose and wagging tongues: “Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything…let thy words be few.” (Ecclesiastes 5:2 and Colossians 4:6)

While liberty is a marvelous thing, the proper and judicious use of FREEDOM can be (and often is) taken out of context or misappropriated.  We need look no farther than Genesis chapter three for prime evidence of this.  God created Adam and Eve.  In doing so, He extended the twin entitlements of earthly dominion and freedom of choice.  There was only one boundary to their independence – one minor restriction.  Nevertheless, their erroneous sense of independence resulted in a deliberate choice to honor the serpent’s suggestions over God’s command, along with a tragic fall from grace and separation from full fellowship with their Creator.  Freedom to choose is wonderful, but one must never forget that it is always pregnant with temporal and eternal consequences.

During my seminary years, I took a course entitled “Systematic Theology.”  One day, Dr. Diamond said something I shall never forget: “ALL SIN IS IDOLATRY.”  At first I balked at this because it just didn’t feel right to me.  But on closer examination, his statement made all the sense in the world.  Because at its core, ALL SIN is one’s personal choice to become ‘god’ in their own world.  Whenever we enthrone and crown ourselves as lords-of-life, it diminishes our desire to connect and consult with the true and living God.  Consequently, we become daily worshippers at the altar of ego, intellect, ability and ambition.  One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  While growing up, a porcelain scripture plaque on our dining room wall served as a daily reminder of this divine directive.

Sisters and brothers, I try not to be overly critical, especially when I am speaking about the church.  In fact, I tend to be an apologist for the church because I believe, despite our problems and challenges, that we are far better off seeking God (inside the church) than those who deny or ignore Him (outside of the church).  But I am required to be honest.  One of our institutional growth-edges is our tendency to feel that today’s church is a fully independent and democratic society.  I hear both clergy and laity talking about “OUR RIGHTS” and the way things should ‘BE’ in the church.  To be candid, I sometimes feel that we forget that it is the Lord’s church, not ours.  We are simply stewards, not owners.  As you know, the church is a theocracy, not a democracy.  As such, both Individual and corporate footsteps must be “ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23), not enacted solely through our diverse dogmas, creeds and counsels.  And never should any decisions or actions be based upon a “private interpretation” of the Word. (II Peter 1:20)

I am keenly aware that whoever the Son sets free is eternally and indisputably “free indeed.” (John 8:36)  But we must never use our liberty in Christ as a cloak to cover self-righteousness or sin. (Galatians 5:13)  It is true that God opens doors that no man can shut. (Revelation 3:8)  But sometimes…GOD SHUTS DOORS that no man can open!  Why?  Because sometimes, as the old folks were prone to say, we become too big for our britches!  WE NEED GOD!  Liberty and independence are remarkable components of human government, and natural citizens should certainly live in freedom.  However, regarding GOD, the purpose and essence of our freedom is to FULLY FOLLOW HIM.  After all, HE IS THE MANUFACTURER.  A washing machine cannot testify about its function.  It takes a manual from the manufacturer to do so.  It is necessary, therefore, for believers to take another look, a careful and balanced look, at THE MANUAL, frequently, carefully and prayerfully.  It will tell us exactly HOW to walk through our open doors.  Incidentally, not only do we need God, we definitely need one another.   For any mission critical Kingdom partnership forged with Almighty God is only activated, actualized and authenticated through mutual covenant relationships with all who make up the Body of Christ.  Think about it.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

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