I seldom remember my
dreams, but I vividly recall a rather curious dream I experienced during the
summer of 2012. The setting of my dream was
the now destroyed Twin Towers of The World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, New
York. It appeared that engineers were
testing the elevators for safety. After the
tests were completed, I rapidly ascended with two other gentlemen. All three of us had been employed recently by
this Fortune 500 Corporation and we were GIVEN expensive laptop computers
containing extensive software packages.
One of the new employees,
an apparent techno-whiz, was making a fuss about the fact that he already had an
advanced laptop that was more than adequate for his needs. I listened in astonishment at his incredibly
firm insistence that he would NOT accept the computer (even for a day or so) to
compare it to the one he already had. Eventually,
a high level manager looked directly into his eyes and issued a stern warning:
“LOOK…I know you are NEW here and don’t know much about our corporate culture,
but I have to tell you this: We only need and keep OPEN-MINDED EMPLOYEES. So…TAKE THE COMPUTER…all right?” My co-worker’s face reddened as he mumbled
softly, “All right.” I stood there watching in silence…wondering why he would
not just RECEIVE that which was so freely GIVEN. At that point, I woke up.
Quickly climbing out of
bed, I rushed into my office to write this daily devotional. My dream reminded me of a powerful scripture
penned by the Apostle Peter, one that is a frequent source of encouragement to
me. It contains blessed assurances for
all believers that ALMIGHTY GOD has PLANNED and PRODUCED a PROCESS by which we will
ultimately arrive at a state of completion
in Him. Read carefully and
consider prayerfully what HIS WORD says about YOU. And may I offer you some sage advice? After all is said and done…JUST TAKE THE
II Peter 1:3-8
3 According as HIS DIVINE POWER HATH GIVEN UNTO US ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN UNTO LIFE AND GODLINESS, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3 According as HIS DIVINE POWER HATH GIVEN UNTO US ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN UNTO LIFE AND GODLINESS, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The fact that God has
already given us “ALL THINGS that pertain unto life and godliness” seems
implausible when we take a sensory or carnal view of our present
states-of-being. How so? At times, our lives appear to be on hold or
practically stalled. Sometimes they ‘look
like’ a MESS…far less than what the scriptures trumpet as the life situation
and heritage of Christian disciples.
That is the reason I employ a construction
zone metaphor in my attempt
to describe ‘where’ and ‘how’ we are in this divine
process called life.
First and foremost, always
In fact, there is absolutely
Nothing appealing about it; and
(at least on the surface) there is nothing
logical about it. As a matter of
fact, to observers that are untrained, uninformed, or unimaginative, it is
virtually impossible to see how a BEAUTIFUL AND FINISHED BUILDING could ever be
derived from such a helter-skelter situation!
However, the Master Architect possesses a powerful tool that brings
PERSPECTIVE and ORDER into the curious chaos of the construction zone. It is THE BLUEPRINT – and it works! Carefully prepared architectural renderings
calibrate and coordinate the overwhelming variety of tools, tasks and workers
that operate simultaneously in what appears to be an unequivocal mess.
Now hear this! The clear vision and expectations of the
Master Architect only reach fruition in the presence of deliberate and
purposeful multi-tasking. The fact that
there is a virtual army of workers and an endless array of materials constantly
flowing in and out, with so many diverse tasks concurrently in the works,
causes the construction panorama to ‘look’
and ‘feel’ completely out of control. Can you mentally picture the confusion and craziness
of the construction zone? Stop for one
moment; close your eyes and visualize. Do
you SEE it? And do you know that OUR GOD
is THE MASTER ARCHITECT and the ULTIMATE MULTI-TASKER? Appearances notwithstanding, HE never fails
to breathe order, purpose, confidence and completion into our LIFE PROCESSES
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