Sunday, August 17, 2014



A 1977 issue of “Futurist Magazine” highlighted ‘the things that make people tick,’ i.e. the fundamental needs that characterize the meaning and measure of what it means to be human.  “One basic need of human existence,” the article suggested, “is to have a vision of the future on which one has enough faith to act.”  Perhaps unintentionally, this secular article set forth a very significant spiritual principle.  As the Word attests, “where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)  Lack of vision is the root cause for a host of human problems.

Allow me to cite one example: homelessness.  Although the causes of ‘homelessness’ are far more complex than commonly thought, one of its underlying issues is the inability to ‘see’ a brighter future.  I equate this attitude with the wearing of ‘pessimistic blinders.’  Because a chronic lack of hope ultimately produces a downward spiral that further ‘proves’ to its victims that it is ‘impossible’ for them to achieve personal success.  In light of this, carefully consider the following question: What have past experiences ‘proven’ to you…and will you continue to ‘believe’ what your senses perceive or will you believe what God decrees?

When evaluated erroneously, human circumstances eventually erode heavenly vision.  That is, we cannot hold onto a clear vision of what ‘could’ be and ‘should’ be and ‘would’ be in the absence of soul illuminating faith.  Faith is the North Star of believers (or in the Southern Hemisphere, our Southern Cross) which keeps us on-point as we navigate through issues we cannot comprehend and circumstances we cannot control.  Faith guides us and sees us through.  The Bible declares that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)  Therefore, if we want to stabilize our relationship with God, we must develop a mental image of divine possibilities for both our present and future.  This faith (the God kind) is kindled by the Living Word and refined within fiery furnaces of trials and temptations.  But here’s the good news: Jesus Christ has already overcome the world system, and He promises us that same measure of victory to believers.  “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:34)

Remember: God allows some things to be done TO us so He can accomplish strategic objectives THROUGH us!  In many ways, the Israelites resembled a rag-tag band of lost vagabonds while traversing through the Sinai Peninsula wilderness, but appearances notwithstanding, GOD WAS LEADING THEM THROUGH A PROCESS!  I know some scholars may push back on this and point out that this entire group (excluding Joshua and Caleb) never did reach the Promised Land.  But I see it a little differently, i.e. I believe (in some sense) that they DID reach Canaan…because THEIR SEED inherited the land God had promised!  May I encourage someone with this reminder telegram?  ‘I know you might be currently passing through your desert place, which ‘apparently’ has little water and food.  But Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider, has preset your appointment with manna and rock-water (in the ‘here’) and milk and honey (in the ‘hereafter’).  By “hereafter,” I am not referencing eternity, but I am pointing to the Kairos moment of destiny in this present world that GOD has designed specifically and especially for YOU.  You can make it through any troublesome day rejoicing in the certainty of your victory!

Do you remember how the early Christian church developed?  It started with Jesus…one man.  He then handpicked 12 disciples, who were commissioned at first to go “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 10:6)  Along the way, He selected 70 others (Luke 10:10) and send them out as an ‘advance team’ into every city into which Jesus would go.  And just 50 days after His Resurrection, on the Day of Pentecost, 120 believers were baptized in the Holy Ghost while waiting for the Promise of the Father.  On that same day, 3,000 souls were birthed into the Kingdom under the anointed preaching of Apostle Peter.  Look at this numeric progression. 1 – 12 – 72 – 120 – 3,000!  Exponential growth…explosive growth…consummated in a short period by The One who works in time while inhabiting eternity.  What a mighty God we serve!

Friend of mine, there is a ‘season’ (Psalm 1:3) when The Word that has been seeded into your life will come to fruition and you will experience a completely free, full and fruitful harvest!  To that end, here is the foundational scripture we will consider over the next several days:

I Corinthians 16:9 (KJV)
For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

Never forget.  There is a cost for opportunity.  And, whether we are comfortable with the fact or not, every wide open door potentially means the revelation of new and powerful enemies.  The spiritual dimension of opportunity is this: there are distinct adversaries for every God-given opportunity.  It has been often said: ‘New levels…new devils!’  Put simply, your “season” will not come without a monumental fight. (Psalm 1:3 – Ephesians 6:12)  God opens a door – Satan sends a crisis.  I repeat: God opens doors.  Satan sends crises.  But as Chinese philosophers have stated, “Every crisis has two heads: one of danger and one of opportunity.”  The call to serve God constitutes both opportunity and danger.  It is ‘opportunity’ because “many are called.”  It is ‘dangerous’ because “few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

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