Monday, August 17, 2015



On May 26, 2014, I published an open letter to the Church of God in Christ detailing my disappointment in its overall state of organizational and spiritual affairs.  Although I remain confident that there are significant numbers within her ranks who are persons of Christ-like character and convictions, there is an ongoing need for revival, renewal and systemic change. 

OUR GOD is sovereign.  And He is raising up courageous, committed, prophetic voices that must align with others (already situated within her ranks) to declare the whole counsel of God, without fear, hesitation, or compromise.

SUBSEQUENT TO considerable prayer, reflection and consultation, I NOW RETURN TO MEMBERSHIP AND MINISTRY IN the CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, which is the CHURCH of my natural and spiritual nativity. 

Having accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior 55 years ago – and the call to ministry 48 years ago in the Church of God in Christ – I dearly love this organization and her people.  That has never changed; that will never change.  To be sure, you are a substantial component of my spiritual heritage and familial legacy, and thus an integral part of my life.

In closing, I am making this announcement publicly because I want to have integrity and to avoid ‘discreetly entering the side door’ after such a visible exit.  I have no expectation or need for any personal accommodation, other than to be positioned where I can effectively proclaim Kingdom truth.  Others have departed-and-returned with varying degrees of organizational grace – and I pray that I may be a recipient of divine and human favor.  Thank you for prayerful support.

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