Monday, May 2, 2016



During the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, he encountered a despondent father whose son was prone to frequent seizures and was heavily influenced by demonic forces.  Often his son would throw himself into the water or into the fire, which of course was an existential threat.  But JESUS CHRIST declared to the man, “If you can BELIEVE, all things are possible to him who believes.” In response to Jesus’ admonition, the father of the child cried out with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:17-24)

This troubled father’s honest admission about his desire for consistent faith (and lack of the same) communicates a mission-critical truth to us.  The fact that this man declared “I BELIEVE,” yet right after that said “HELP MY UNBELIEF,” reveals something about us humans and how we relate to GOD.  That is, even though we actually love God and believe in God, there a DUALITY IN OUR FAITH that causes a spiritual tension in our relationships with God. 

How can this be?  Let’s critically examine our faith.  Most of us believe that God is all-powerful.  We believe that He cannot fail; we believe that He cannot lie.  We truly reverence and honor His Word.  However, there is another ‘side’ of us that is unduly influenced and largely controlled by our five senses.  It is important to realize that this ‘other side’ of us is always speaking to us (loudly and faithlessly) in the background – suggesting that anything we cannot smell, taste, touch, hear, or see, might not be true or real.

That’s why FAITH is a FIGHT.  Because, even as Christians, there is a veritable war going on inside of you and me.  Our faith is tried and tempered in a cauldron of doubt, so the Christian journey is navigated in (and through) a combat zone.  There is constant conflict between the NATURAL MAN and the NEWBORN MAN.  As Romans 8:7 declares, “the CARNAL mind is ENMITY against GOD [the enemy of God]; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.”

So exactly where does that leave us?  Don’t despair.  Our faith struggle does not invalidate the fact that we have been born again.  But in order to achieve ongoing spiritual growth and development, we must at least admit that we are in a constant struggle between whatever WE SENSE and whatever GOD SAYS.  That’s why the Apostle Paul advises us to “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH…and lay hold on eternal life.” (I Timothy 6:12)

One of my favorite ‘scriptural vitamins’ is I John 5:4 (NKJV, New King James Version).  “For whatever [whoever] is BORN OF GOD overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world—OUR FAITH.” 

Therefore, our VICTORY in overcoming the human tendency to naturally embrace DOUBT emerges from our FAITH.  As developing believers in Christ Jesus, we have a similar testimony to that of St. Paul: “The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the FAITH of the SON OF GOD.” (Galatians 2:20)   To wit, any legitimate and lasting faith is established by one’s covenant connections, i.e. one’s real relationship with JESUS CHRIST.

We cannot have the necessary power or the spiritual authority to OVERCOME the evil influences of this world system unless-and-until we plug-in to JESUS CHRIST!  This simply means making a full surrender to Christ, which requires submitting to His Lordship and honoring His Word via wholehearted obedience.

One might ask, ‘How is this possible?’  ‘What can I do on a practical level to achieve this kind of FAITH and spiritual intimacy with a transcendent God?  The answer is quite simple: FAITH is VOICE-ACTIVATED!  

Allow me repeat it, because it is an extremely important Kingdom principle.  FAITH is VOICE-ACTIVATED!  Let’s confirm it in the scriptures.  According to Romans 10:17, “FAITH comes by HEARING, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD.”  That is, FAITH COMES…by HEARING…THE WORD OF GOD!  In other words, FAITH is VOICE-ACTIVATED!  

God willing, in this devotional series, I will share SEVEN POWER PRINCIPLES that will inform you (on a practical level) HOW TO JUMP-STARTFAITH AND OVERCOME the effects of an ungodly and corrupt world system.  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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