Monday, May 16, 2016



During a commencement speech at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, Gloria Steinem related an important life lesson gleaned during her student years.  On a geology field trip, she spotted a sizable turtle that had hauled itself up some steep Connecticut River embankments and appeared to be on a direct trajectory to the road.  Fearful for the turtle’s life, Gloria pushed and shoved it all the way back down to the river.

Observing this, her geology professor informed her that the turtle had likely spent days of exhausting effort navigating those steep embankments to arrive at its nesting spot.  And now, one naïve student (who surely thought she was doing a noble deed) had thoughtlessly turned it around.

It’s a simple story with a very valuable lesson.  As outside observers, we should be ever so careful to avoid making quick assumptions.  Sometimes the methods and motives of the other party may not be as apparent as they seem.  So before we decide to intervene with uninformed action, let’s pause for a moment.  Think.  Communicate.  Pray.  It just might be that the other person is not as wrong or off course as they seem.  Not knowing their full story, could it be possible that WE simply don’t understand?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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