Monday, May 9, 2016



Let’s be honest.  Occasionally, challenging situations and difficult people have a way of getting under our skin.  Some seem to lack kindness; some seem to be deficient in honesty; some appear to be careless and cruel with their words, attitudes and actions.  But let’s try our level best not to judge one another narrowly or harshly.  After all, only GOD knows ‘the full story’ of our lives and circumstances.  In the words of the Apostle Paul, “Now we see in a mirror, dimly…now I know in part.” (I Corinthians 13:12) With that in mind, it would be both merciful and beneficial if we would resolve to transform our lives into NO JUDGMENT ZONES.

A widowed trapper lived deep in the Alaskan wilderness with his 2-year-old son. When their winter food supplies had run out, the trapper was forced to leave his cabin to catch more food.  The weather outside was so treacherous that he made the reluctant decision to leave his son behind, entrusted to the care of his faithful dog.  While he was hunting, the weather grew increasingly fierce and the trapper was forced to take refuge overnight in a stand of forest trees.

When he hurriedly returned home early the next morning, he found the cabin door wide open with most of the furniture overturned.  Apparently, a fierce struggle had taken place.  There was no sign of his son and his dog lay in the corner looking sheepish and guilty, with blood all around his mouth.  The trapper was deeply distressed when he figured out what must have happened.  Without food, his hungry dog had turned on his son and killed him.  Gathering his axe in a mindless fury, the trapper savagely attacked and killed his dog.

He then set about searching desperately for any sign of his son.  There was still a faint chance his son might be alive.  As the trapper searched frantically, he heard a familiar cry coming from underneath the bed.  He tipped the bed up to discover his beloved son – unharmed and without one scratch or drop of blood on him.  Flooded with relief, the trapper gathered his son in his arms.  When he calmed himself and turned around, he saw a dead wolf lying in the corner of the cabin.  Then the trapper realized why his faithful dog had been covered in blood.  The heroic dog had saved his son.

How often do we allow circumstances in life to place us on the same moral ground as the trapper?  In truth, it is easy to assume that we know ‘the truth’ about a person when, in reality, our judgements could be terribly off the mark.

So let’s resolve to relocate to the NO JUDGMENT ZONE and reside there until “THE LORD, THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE” makes His appearance. (Matthew 7:1 – II Timothy 4:8) OUR LORD will ‘see’ the unseeable; He will ‘know’ the unknowable; so in the final analysis, all of us are in His hands.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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