Sunday, August 26, 2018



November 21, 1980, began like any other day for the men aboard a Texaco oil rig on Lake Peigneur, a 1,300 acre lake in Louisiana, USA.  Day in and day out, the workers would sink a drill down through the muddy bottom of the lake in search of oil.  However, on that day things went totally haywire.  Below the surface of the lake was a salt mine, and someone on the oil rig miscalculated the placement of the drill, which caused it to penetrate one of the salt mine tunnels.

What happened next was similar to pulling the plug out of a full bath tub.  A massive whirlpool formed.  First it brought down the oil rig.  Thankfully, the workers evacuated just in time.  Then, unbelievably, the powerful whirlpool consumed a second oil rig, eleven barges, a tug boat, several trucks, a loading dock and numerous trees.  In just three hours, over 13 billion liters of water drained from the lake, along with everything on and around it.

Remember: Nothing that we do is ever done in a vacuum.  In an increasingly smaller global community, we are directly or indirectly affected by the decisions and actions of others.   So be cautious and considerate about your choices.  Pray.  Think.  Ponder the impact on others.  Seemingly small or inconsequential matters could have major consequences, both in your life and the lives of those around you. 

At all costs, avoid pulling the plug on your destiny.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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