Thursday, August 23, 2018



Throughout this year, I have witnessed a seemingly endless array of ‘prophetic utterances’ proclaiming that 2018 is ‘The Year of THIS,’ or ‘The Year of THAT.’  Although I am keenly aware that The Almighty does work in specific seasons, I am cognizant that God is consistent and faithful, which means He does not randomly alter our mission or mandate based upon arbitrary chronological timetables, such as the start of any new year.

Far more importantly than developing clever catch-phrases, many of which (quite candidly) are superficial, self-serving and fleshly in origin, it is crucial to remain steadfast in faith and firmly situated on the Lord’s side.

Remember, it’s all about GOD, not about us.  For example, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln met with a group of ministers for a prayer breakfast.  One minister remarked, “Mr. President, let us pray that God is on our side.” Mr. Lincoln’s response reflected a deeper spiritual insight: “No, gentlemen, LET US PRAY THAT WE ARE ON GOD'S SIDE!”

Let’s stay on God’s side.  Rather than embracing the carnal allure of that which appears to be ‘bigger-better-and-brighter’ in our families and our ministries, let us remain spiritually grounded and aligned in covenant communion with Christ.

Prayerfully consider this.  According to the Apostle Peter, “His divine power has [already] given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. (II Peter 1:3)  In other words, “JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME yesterday, today, and forever,” so there is absolutely no need to ever modify His message or its meaning.  After all, He is the One who declares, “I AM THE LORD, I DO NOT CHANGE.” (Hebrews 13:8 and Malachi 3:6)  To wit, the Word of God already contains every promise and directive needed for believers to traverse from Earth to Glory.

Nothing need be added.  Never.  As a matter of fact, adding to the Word (or taking away from the Word) places us in danger of divine judgment. (Revelation 22:19)

My friends, let us never forget: God is more about substance than style and sizzle.  Let us neither cheapen His Kingdom, nor mislead His people, by embracing any notion that lacks confirmation within His Eternal Word.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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