Monday, August 27, 2018



Just in case the present circumstances of life leave you feeling POWER-LESS, it is my privilege to point out the fact that you are absolutely POWER-FULL!  “How so?” you might ask.

My friends, you have resident within you The One whom the prophet Isaiah identified as “THE MIGHTY GOD.” (Isaiah 9:6)  This Messianic title is one of the birth names that is prophetically ascribed to the Savior of the world.  In the Hebrew language, it is “EL GIBBOR,” THE MIGHTY GOD.

Here is THE PARADOX of this powerful name – for you and for your situation in life.  HE IS THE MIGHTY GOD.  However, the Apostle Paul informs us that even though Jesus Christ was absolutely “equal with God,” HE EMPTIED HIMSELF, i.e. “He made Himself of no reputation” for the express purpose of forging a priestly connection with fallen humanity. (Philippians 2:6-7 – Isaiah 53:1-12)  The irony of this purpose-driven humility is that Jesus Christ never abandoned his divine attributes.  After all, HE IS GOD INCARNATE.  Nevertheless, upon entering into a carnal world that never fully surrendered to the law of God, it was necessary to EMPTY HIMSELF in order to relate to us, i.e. to become the “HIGH PRIEST” who would be “touched by the feeling of our infirmities.” (Hebrews 4:15)  How I love the gracious fact that JESUS ‘GETS’ US!

Here is THE PERSONAL APPLICATION of this powerful name – for you and your life situation.  Just as JESUS CHRIST EMPTIED HIMSELF in order to be fully engaged in the salvation of man, you and I must EMPTY OURSELVES also, putting aside our willfulness, ego-centeredness and personal agendas to become useful in building the Kingdom of God.

Nevertheless, full submission to the perfect will of God is an enormous challenge for human ‘rebels’ like us. (Isaiah 53:6)

Our carnal dispositions and cultural traditions cause us to place the highest value on OURSELVES, that is on our perceived worth and our personal plans, above all else.  Christ’s mandate that we “crucify the flesh” actually goes against the grain of natural impulses, but by doing so we will discover LIFE and POWER in fellowship with “EL GIBBOR,” THE MIGHTY GOD. (Galatians 5:24 – II Peter 1:3)

Indeed, in “HIS PRESENCE” and under “HIS POWER,” we are “more than conquerors,” which means we are “always triumphant,” appearances notwithstanding. (Psalm 16:11 – II Corinthians 4:7 – Romans 8:37 – II Corinthians 2:14) 

Question: How could this possibly be? 

Answer:  OUR FAITH both VISUALIZES and ACTUALIZES the END RESULT of our COVENANT CONNECTION, long before it is manifested in time and space.  

My friend, “HAVE FAITH IN GOD.”  That is your PURPOSE, your POWER and your POTENTIAL.  Just in case you are feeling somewhat powerless today, I remind you that ‘THE MIGHTY GOD” is definitely in your corner.  WINNER-BELIEVER, you cannot lose, so hang in there!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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