Sunday, October 11, 2020



 You are far more than what you feel like, or look like.  The Frillfin Goby is a rather unsightly little fish, 10 to 15 centimeters long, existing within tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world.  Typically, they are found in rock pools.  Seeing a Goby does not inspire even a second thought.  Unlike so many beautiful tropical species, they are rather ordinary, unimpressive in size and not at all good to eat.  To the casual observer, the Frillfin Goby is just an ugly, nondescript little fish swimming around in rock pools.

 However, it is indeed a remarkable creature.  For a fish living in a rock pool, the greatest danger is birds in search of their next meal.  There really aren’t many places to hide.  But the Goby has developed an incredible technique of escape.  It can somehow fling its body into a nearby rock pool to get away from a predator, and if necessary to another, then another, and on and on.

 The reason this is incredible is that the Goby is jumping blind.  It cannot see the rock pool into which it leaps, yet it manages to jump with amazing accuracy.

 How does the Goby do this?  Scientists have discovered that at high tide the Goby swims around the rocky areas and makes a mental map of the landscape, noting the locations of depressions that will form rock pools.  It accomplishes all of this with just one pass of an area!  Then, from memory alone, it is able to leap from rock pool to rock pool.  With a pea size brain, the Goby is able to accomplish this truly stunning feat.

 The Frillfin Goby is just another example of the remarkable world that GOD has created for us, with all of its infinite variety and awesome possibilities.  My friend, although you may seem small or even insignificant in contrast to others, our GOD has endowed YOU with certain distinctives that the world is waiting to receive. Find them.  Use them.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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