It isn’t always about how LONG we
have done something; it’s actually about how WELL we have done it.
For example, two teachers applied for
an administrative position in their high school. One had been teaching
for 8 years, and the other for 20. Everyone expected the teacher with the
greater experience to land the job, but when a decision was handed down the
person with only 8 years teaching was chosen.
The more tenured teacher felt cheated
out of the opportunity and reacted bitterly: “I’ve got 20 years teaching to her
8,” he complained, “so I’m much more qualified.”
The School Board’s response was
simple: “Yes sir, you do have 20 years to her 8. But where she has 8
years of diverse teaching experience, you have 1 year of experience repeated 20
Bottom-line: The mere passage of time
does not guarantee that we have learned, developed, or accomplished as we
should. We must be careful to pay attention and perform at our
God-ordained ‘best’ and not live out our lives on ‘cruise control.’ Let’s
examine ourselves – systematically, prayerfully and honestly.
Sisters and brothers,
be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO
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