Sunday, October 31, 2021



 Let’s begin today’s query with a brief poem written during the 1500s by the great Christian reformer, Martin Luther.


Feelings come and feelings go
And feelings are deceiving;
My warrant is the Word of God,
Naught else is worth believing.

 This suggests that our feelings about any matter, which are largely based on subjective emotions, tend to be grossly unreliable indicators for gauging truth or reality.  As Luther poetically suggests, it is far more sensible, sustainable and spiritually sound to map the course of our lives via eternal truth.

 Interesting enough, it has been scientifically proven that the intensity of our emotions has direct correlation to our physical health.  Hmmm…I resolve to remember that fact when next confronted with anything that elevates both my temperament and blood pressure.

 If this lacks credibility for you, consider a study conducted at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  Two researchers, Betz and Thomas, classified 45 Johns Hopkins medical students in three personality groups on the basis of psychological tests and questionnaires.  The students were listed either as “alphas,” described as cautious, reserved, quiet and undemanding; as “betas,” spontaneous, active and outgoing; or as “gammas,” moody, emotional and either over or under demanding.  Thirty years later, they reviewed the health records of these former students.  They found that 77.3 percent of the gamma group suffered from major disorders, including cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and emotional disturbances.  The incidence of disorders was only 25 percent in the alpha group and 26.7 percent in the betas.  “Too often, gamma people get lost in their own emotions,” wrote Betz.  “While a person’s temperament cannot be changed, more support from outside sources--such as solid human contacts--might help lessen a gamma’s high risk of disease.”

 My friends, do you (or I) need to spend some quality time in the calm-me-down room?!?  I’m not speaking about some padded wall facility.  I am referring to our personal place of refuge [older believers called it their ‘secret closet’] where we will experience transformational attitude adjustments in the presence of God through the healing media of His Word and prayer.  Think.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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