Sunday, October 17, 2021



 In our society, there is such an emphasis on political correctness that it seems impossible to take a strong stand on any matter without being deemed offensive, harsh, insensitive, or judgmental.  At a recent conference of seminary educators, one professor reported that the most damaging charge any student can make against another is that he or she is being too judgmental.  Describing this teaching environment as unproductive and upsetting, he reported that “you can’t get a good argument going in class anymore.  As soon as someone takes a stand on any important issue, someone else says that the person is being judgmental.  And that’s it.  End of discussion.  Everyone is intimidated.”  Many professors in attendance at this gathering nodded knowingly.  There was a definite consensus that the fear of being judgmental has taken on epic proportions.

 Richard Mouw, the former president of Fuller Theological Seminary, wrote a book entitled, “Uncommon Decency,” in which he raises serious questions about society’s epidemic emphasis on civility.  He writes, “Christian civility does not commit us to a relativistic perspective.  Being civil doesn't mean that we cannot criticize what goes on around us.  Civility doesn't require us to approve of what other people believe and do.  It is one thing to insist that other people have the right to express their basic convictions; it is another thing to say that they are right.  Civility requires us to live by the first of these principles.  But it does not commit us to the second.  To say that all beliefs and values deserve to be treated as if they were on a par is to endorse relativism – a perspective that is incompatible with Christian faith and practice.”

 I strongly agree with Dr. Mouw’s viewpoint on this matter.  For example, when anyone teaches biblical truth that does not align itself with the gay lifestyle, he or she will likely be labeled as homophobic.  If the Bible’s teachings are true, then the question is begged: ‘Is GOD homophobic?’  Since one tenet common to all faiths is that the nature and character of God is love, then the obvious answer to the previously posed question is “NO.”  To disagree with a lifestyle choice is not the same thing as despising the person who practices that lifestyle.  This is an error that is quite pervasive (and entirely erroneous) in contemporary society.

 Therefore, the community of faith must be courageous and consistent enough to hold fast to the eternal truth of scripture – without wavering – never conceding to popular opinion or pressure.  To be sure, there are some things that our Creator deems to be right, and some things that He clearly identifies as wrong.  Let us determine to find ourselves in agreement with Him at all times and places, and never caving to any individual or institution that would cause us to doubt or deny the immutable truth of God’s Word.  In the wise words of the Apostle Paul, “Let God be true, and every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4)

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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