Monday, October 11, 2021



 A necessary precursor and prerequisite of growth is change.  However, it is absolutely challenging to be compelled to exit our comfort zones.  That’s why the newborn baby cries after a sudden departure from the warm, insulated womb.  That’s why the five-year-old child cries profusely when s/he enters kindergarten in what likely feels like a forced exile from the family home.  Various ages and stages of life require major emotional adjustment as we stretch ourselves to navigate the uncertainty of unfamiliar ground.

 Let’s contemplate the eagle’s development as a mirror of our own.  We’ve all seen pictures of the eagle’s majestic nest, perched high in the branches of a lofty tree or in the crag of a cliff.  But most are not privy to the brilliant craftsmanship of the nest construction process.  When a mother eagle builds her nest, she first lays a foundation of thorns, sticks and sharp rocks – materials that seem entirely unsuitable to provide a safe habitat for her young.  But then she lines the top of the nest with a thick padding of wool, feathers and fur, making it extremely soft, safe and comfortable for her eggs and hatchlings.  By the time the growing birds reach flying age, the comfort of the nest and the luxury of free meals make them rather reluctant to leave.

 That’s precisely when the mother eagle “stirs up the nest.”  (Deuteronomy 32:11)  With her strong talons, she begins pulling up the thick carpet of fur and feathers, bringing the sharp thorns, rocks and branches to the surface.  As more of the soft bedding gets plucked up, the nest becomes extremely uncomfortable for the young eagles.  Eventually, this prompts the growing eagles to leave their once-comfortable abode and move forward in flight, which represents greater risk but more maturity.

 My friend, stop cursing the thorns.  Perhaps, Heaven is simply stirring your familiar nest to precipitate an empowering movement of growth and development.  In this next phase of life, you will discern more of the image and power of Christ, and thus more of your true purpose and destiny.  Change becomes you; and you will fly!

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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