Tuesday, November 9, 2021



 It is of paramount importance that those who present Christ would strive at all times to maintain credibility so the gospel message can be heard, believed and received.  In G. Campbell Morgan’s book, “Preaching,” he relates a true story that strikes at the very heart of this issue. 

 An eminent preacher once remarked to the great English actor, Macready, “I wish you would explain something to me.”  “Well, what is it?” queried Macready, “because I don’t know that I could possibly explain anything to a preacher.”

 “Well, I simply need to know the reason for the difference between you and me.  You appear before people night after night with fiction, and large crowds gather wherever you go.  I preach the essential and unchangeable truth, and I’m not getting any crowd at all.”

 Macready’s response went directly to the crux of the matter. “This is quite simple,” he reasoned, “and  I can easily tell you the difference between us.  I present my fiction as though it were truth; you present your truth as though it were fiction.” 

 Lesson learned.  Apparently, there was too much of the eminent preacher wrapped up in the message and, therefore, the results were far less than Heaven had intended.  We must be ever mindful that we are ambassadors of Christ’s Kingdom.  Almighty God never requires our pseudo-spiritual theatrics to proclaim His eternal truth.  He simply requires our obedience, preparation, diligence, transparency and sincerity.  After all, the gospel message is always about HIM, never about us.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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