Sunday, February 6, 2022



 Some things appear dangerous but are actually less hazardous than safer-looking alternatives.  For example, commercial air travel is 30 times safer than transportation by automobile.  It may not seem so to the person who prefers navigating ground traffic over riding a Boeing 747 at 35,000 feet.  But being carried by tons of metal being thrust through the air by huge jet engines is actually far safer than being pulled along in a 6-cylinder vehicle that never leaves the earth.

 Similarly, it is an indisputable truth that you and I are safer – much safer – in the loving and sovereign arms of the Lord than we are while depending upon ourselves or any other.  The lyrics of a favorite gospel song resonate deep within my spirit:

Because the Lord is my shepherd
I have everything I need;
He lets me rest in the meadow's grass
And He leads me beside the quiet streams;
He restores my failing health
And He helps me do what honors Him the most;
That's why I'm safe,
That's why I'm safe,
That's why I'm safe –
Safe in His arms.


When the storms of life are raging
And the billows roll,
I’m glad He shall hide me…

So glad He shall hide me…

Safe in his arms.

 My friend, it really doesn’t matter what things ‘look like’ – you are absolutely SAFE IN HIS ARMS!

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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