Sunday, February 20, 2022



 Fear is the intentional murderer of faith.  It is the primary weapon of spiritual warfare deployed by satanic forces to nullify our confidence in the absolute sovereignty of God.  Nevertheless, Satan cannot conquer us because the Word declares that he is a defeated foe whose proper position is under our feet. (Romans 16:20)

 Consider the following jewels of wisdom shared by an unknown and insightful author: “In the frigid waters around Greenland are countless icebergs, some little and some gigantic.  When you observe them carefully, you notice that sometimes the small ice floes move in one direction while their massive counterparts flow in another.  The explanation is simple.  Surface winds drive the little ones, whereas the huge masses of ice are carried along by deep ocean currents.  When we face trials and tragedies, it's helpful to see our lives as impacted by two forces--surface winds and ocean currents.  The winds represent everything that is changeable, unpredictable and distressing.  But operating simultaneously with these gusts and gales is another force that's even more powerful.  It is the sure movement of God's wise and sovereign purpose, the deep flow of His unchanging love.”

 Our wise, omnipotent and sovereign God knows the route and prevailing conditions through which you are sailing.  Trust His unchanging love and unfailing providence.  Wherever you are, HE is there.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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