I spotted an intriguing on-line advertisement by the Prudential Insurance Company, entitled “I’ll Do It Later.” Their ad focuses on the lost time and opportunity that results from PROCRASTINATION. It even contains a Procrastination Calculator at This calculator reveals that (on average) someone at my age has spent approximately 5.6 YEARS of their life putting things off until tomorrow, i.e., procrastinating! It really caused me to reflect and think.
What’s even more fascinating is the listing of things I might have achieved. During my theoretical 5.6 years of procrastination, I could have knitted 1.18 sweaters for the gigantic Statue of Liberty (or) I could have taken a 240,000 mile ‘road trip’ to the moon 168 times (or) I could have made and consumed 978,200 cups of tea (or) I could have received 4.5 masters degrees (or) I could have climbed Mt. Everest 389 times (or) I could have painted the Sistine Chapel 1.29 times. Hmmm…
There’s a wise axiom attributed to Edward Young in the 17th century, which warns against the inherent danger in delay. “Procrastination is the thief of time,” Young wrote. Nevertheless, the prayerful insights of the Psalmist David predate that sage saying. King David’s plea to GOD was profoundly simple: “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)
So…what are YOU doing about your dreams, goals and God-given gifts? Are you in hot pursuit, or are you procrastinating? Could it be possible that you are paralyzed or stuck in ‘Someday Syndrome?’ Consider the fact that cemeteries are the wealthiest plots of potential on Planet Earth. For within their gates lie multiplied millions of unrealized hopes, undeveloped relationships, unwritten books, undiscovered inventions and unfulfilled dreams!
What are YOU doing to make sure your story does not culminate in incompletion? Prayerfully gather all of your resources: your will, your knowledge, your experience, your education, your energy, your funds, your grit, your determination, your family and friends…and before the sun sets today, plug into the wisdom of God and start making it happen!
Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!
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