Wednesday, April 3, 2013



The resurrection of Jesus Christ is fundamental and foundational to our faith.  The fact that we serve a RISEN Savior sets Christianity apart, making it (and its adherents) distinctive from all other belief systems.  Most world religions focus on philosophical propositions and suppositions.  Of the four major religions that center around personalities, Christianity is the only one that lays claim to an empty tomb. 

Christ and Christianity are unique!  Abraham, the patriarch of Judaism, passed away around 1900 B.C. and was buried in a cave by Isaac and Ishmael, his sons. (Genesis 25:9)  Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, died after eating a dish of wild mushrooms in 483 B.C.  Muhammad, the founder of Islam, succumbed to poisoning in 632 A.D.  Nevertheless, anyone who travels to Jerusalem can visit the site of the empty tomb of Jesus Christ.  The victorious echo of that angelic announcement still resonates in our spirits: “He is not here: for he is risen as he said.  Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” (Matthew 28:6)  Glory hallelujah to The Risen King!

The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ are key confirmations that he indeed (and in fact) rose from the dead.  For your consideration, numerous appearances are listed below.

Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene.
--(John 20:14 – Mark 16:9)
Jesus appeared to Mary and Mary Magdalene outside the tomb.
--(Matthew 28:9-10)
Jesus appeared to Peter.
--(Luke 24:34 – I Corinthians 15:5)
Jesus appeared to certain disciples near Emmaus.
--(Luke 24:13-33)
Jesus appeared to 10 disciples; Thomas was absent and Judas was dead.
 --(Luke 24:36-43 – John 20:19-24)
Jesus appeared to the 11 surviving disciples.
--(John 20:26-29 – Matthew 28:16-20 – Mark 16:14-20 – Luke 24:33-52 – Acts 1:1-12)
Jesus appeared to 7 disciples by the Lake of Tiberius.
--(John 21:1-23)
Jesus appeared to 500 believers in Galilee.
--(I Corinthians 15:6)
Jesus appeared to James, his brother.
--(I Corinthians 15:7)
Jesus appeared at his ascension to Heaven.
--(Acts 1:3-12)
Jesus appeared to Paul, the apostle.
--(Acts 9:3-6 – I Corinthians 15:8)
Jesus appeared to Stephen, the deacon-martyr.
--(Acts 7:55)
Jesus appeared to Paul in the temple.
--(Acts 22:17-21 – Acts 23:11)
Jesus appeared to John, the revelator, on Patmos.
--(Revelation 1:10-20)

Another positive proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the fact that his apostles were empowered thereafter to work resurrection miracles themselves, i.e. they raised people from the dead.  One such example was Peter’s raising of a deceased female disciple named Tabitha, a.k.a. Dorcas. (Acts 9:35-41)

Various claims contradicting the resurrection of Jesus Christ have surfaced from time to time, including the hallucination theory, which suggests that the people who encountered the risen Christ were experiencing some sort of mass hysteria.  This assertion is ludicrous since it is highly unlikely that 500 (or even 11) persons would experience simultaneous or similar hallucinations.  Other detractors have set forth the wrong tomb theory, stating that the soldiers were actually guarding an empty tomb, and the women who came to anoint him on Sunday visited the wrong tomb.  This scenario is unlikely and illogical since both Mary and Mary Magdalene were present when Jesus was extracted from the cross and buried in Joseph’s tomb.  The Theft Theory argues that the disciples stole and concealed the body of Jesus before he was guarded by Roman soldiers.  This is also improbable because Jesus had to be buried quickly before Sabbath began on Friday evening, and the Jewish women did not return to the tomb until early Sunday.  In the interim, Jesus’ tomb was well secured and guarded.  The Swoon Theory contends that Jesus did not really die, that he was in a trance state and was later revived by the cool air of the tomb.  This theory is patently absurd.  Not only were the limbs of Jesus cruelly nailed to a cross; he had been beaten mercilessly the night before and his back was a bloody mess; both tortuous acts caused him to experience profuse hemorrhaging over an extended period of time.  Finally, the Roman soldiers pierced his side with a spear.  Jesus could never have survived these vicious conditions spontaneously, without medical treatment.

The fact of the matter is simple.  Bottom-line: JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD ON THE THIRD DAY, just like he said he would.  (Matthew 26:61 – Mark 14:58 – John 2:19).

Nevertheless…my greatest witness to His resurrection is much more personal and practical:

“You ask me how I know He lives?  HE LIVES…WITHIN MY HEART!”

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