Friday, January 17, 2014



Sometimes we make all sorts of excuses for the things we say and do. This is an especially troublesome (and even excruciating) choice when our actions involve others. Over the years, I have witnessed what I call ‘blanket apologies’ or the ‘shotgun approach’ to reconciliation. For example, someone in our church has done or said something that specifically offends another. Mind you, this is not a case involving an unknown or inadvertent trespass; the aggrieving party knows full well the ‘what’ and the ‘whom’ of said offense.

But instead of going to the hurt person directly to resolve the issue and restore the relationship, the ‘offender’ rises in a public forum and states something rather ridiculous like this: “God knows I love EVERYBODY in here. But if I have EVER done anything to hurt or upset ANYBODY, I am truly sorry.”

Such an ‘APOLOGY’ (and I label it such with tongue-in-cheek) is patently absurd and goes absolutely nowhere.

Sisters and brothers, if you have done something to hurt or harm someone in any way, just do the right thing. Offer an excuse-free, full-fledged, honest and sincere apology – one which clearly recognizes what has been done and offers a genuine opportunity to move forward in a healthy and drama-free relationship.

Can you ‘FEEL’ me on this? Remember this: a casual word will not alleviate pain; a random gift will not heal hurt. In a word, we must resolve to do exactly what the Bible says. We must “make straight paths for [our] feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.” Sisters and brothers, as we “follow peace with all men,” we will be positively and continually blessed! (Hebrews 12:13-14)

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