Friday, June 27, 2014



Although the term, “exponential,” has mathematical roots, in common usage it means “growing, increasing, expanding, spreading and ascending.” ( –  It is a powerful portrait of Christ’s great expectations for all His disciples, as we proactively labor to build the Kingdom of God.

The parables of the Kingdom, set forth by our Savior during His earthly ministry, are clear reminders of the exponential growth and exceptional requirements that are part and parcel of the Kingdom. The Parable of the Sower, The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, The Parable of the Mustard Seed, The Parable of the Leaven, The Parable of the Hidden Treasure, The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price and The Parable of the Dragnet, altogether remind us that being a Christian means far more than showing up for worship services or conforming to creeds and codes of conduct. (Matthew, chapter 13)

Christ commands the exponential, both in terms of our willingness to invest freely of personal time, talent and treasure, and in terms of our ultimate fruitfulness and productivity. (Genesis 1:28 - John 15:1-8 - Colossians 1:10)

The rich young ruler, who had meticulously observed the Law of Moses from his youth, was required by The Master to sell and share those things he treasured most.  Indeed, this constituted a very unique requirement from The Living Word, who is absolutely capable of discerning “the thoughts and intents” of the human heart.  (Luke 18:18-23 – John 1:1 – Hebrews 4:12)   While Christ seldom demands such stringency and totality in giving, because He is our Creator, our Savior and our Lord, we are His purchased possession and property. (Ephesians 1:14)  Therefore, HE has every right to request and require our absolute best.

Remember: The manufacturer always determines the purpose, value and use of the finished product; these existential variables are never determined by the product itself.  And so it is in the realm of The Spirit.  JESUS IS LORD!  So let’s stop embracing any and all self-produced, inflexible agendas; and, let us resolve to inquire of The Manufacturer as to WHO we are, what we must do, and how, WHERE and WHEN we must do it. (Psalm 37:23)  This is our safest and surest pathway to the exponential, or, as Christ called it, the abundant life. (John 10:10)

Sisters and brothers, live daily in earnest expectation of the EXPONENTIAL…and be continually blessed!

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