Monday, June 9, 2014



Yesterday, all of Christendom celebrated PENTECOST SUNDAY.  Originally, the FEAST OF PENTECOST was given by God to the Israelites (through Moses) to be celebrated on the 50th day after their deliverance from more than four centuries of Egyptian oppression and slavery.  So, the FEAST OF PENTECOST, which means “fifty,” was divinely appointed to be celebrated exactly 50 days after the FEAST OF PASSOVER.

PENTECOST has a Hebrew name, “SHAVUOT” [pronounced Shaw-VOO-oh], which is interpreted “weeks.”  Therefore, PENTECOST is also known as the FEAST OF WEEKS.  Since SHAVUOT is the anniversary of the day GOD gave THE LAW on Mount Sinai, the original observation of SHAVUOT (PENTECOST) is considered by Jewish scholars to be THE BIRTHDAY OF ANCIENT ISRAEL.  The first century observation of SHAVUOT (PENTECOST) is considered by Christian scholars to be the birthday of the Christian ChurchThe former Pentecost occurred at Mt. Sinai, but the latter Pentecost occurred, figuratively, at Mt. Zion.  The former Pentecost was the revelation of God to HIS PEOPLE, ISRAEL.  The latter Pentecost was the revelation of God to HIS CHURCH, approximately 1,477 years later.

THE FEAST OF PENTECOST is a complex feast.  Once they were situated in the Promised Land, God’s people would present the first-fruits of the harvest on that day, along with one lamb for a burnt offering.  The priest would symbolically wave two loaves of leavened bread, baked from newly harvested grain.  This would be done on behalf of the congregation as an act of gratitude to God.  Unlike the loaves of unleavened bread (prepared in haste) which the Israelites used to celebrate PASSOVER and their rapid departure from Egypt, PENTECOST would use leavened bread, a sign that GOD had been good and gracious in their harvest.  This would be followed by the burnt offerings of seven lambs, two rams and one bullock.  And this would be followed by the SIN OFFERING of a kid, a young goat.  This would be followed by a PEACE OFFERING of two lambs, made on behalf of the congregation of Israel.

During PENTECOST, God’s people were also directed to be sensitive to the needs of the poor, i.e. not to completely harvest their fields and to leave some behind for the poor and the strangers among them. (Leviticus 19:9-10)  Thus, PENTECOST is a time when we remember and respond to the needs of the least of our brethren.

A well known hermeneutic (interpretive) principle goes something like this: “The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; and, the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.”  Thus, everything pertaining to the spiritual life of those Old-Covenant-observing and wilderness-trekking Israelites actually pointed to the New Covenant.  All God’s directives clearly pointed to JESUS and THE CROSS.  It was all about JESUS! 

Even THE TABERNACLE, the temporary dwelling place of Yahweh (Jehovah), was all about JESUS.  For everything that GOD ordained in The Tabernacle was a reflection of grace and a prophetic heralding of the coming Redeemer, JESUS CHRIST.  From the LAVER for cleansing…to the DOOR of entry…to the TABLE OF SHEWBREAD…to the GOLDEN LAMPSTAND…to the ALTAR OF INCENSE…to the ARK OF THE COVENANT…to the MERCY SEAT…all the way from the OUTER COURT…to the INNER COURT…to THE HOLY PLACE…to the MOST HOLY PLACE.  It all signified and spoke about the coming Redeemer, JESUS CHRIST.  Even THE VEIL that separated THE HOLY PLACE from THE HOLY OF HOLIES…spoke of THE MINISTRY of CHRIST, who frees us from the curse of law and delivers us into GRACE AND TRUTH. (Luke 16:16)

Even the WILDERNESS CAMP configuration of the twelve tribes of Israel was ALL ABOUT JESUS!  The design of the camp, i.e. the way that the twelve tribes were situated by GOD in the camp, was in the SHAPE OF THE CROSS.  Even the high priest, who would lead in tabernacle worship, was a symbol or type of THE HEAVENLY HIGH PRIEST who would come. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Unlike the HUMAN HIGH PRIEST, who would enter the Holy of Holies annually on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, to reconcile the people back to God, our HEAVENLY HIGH PRIEST represents a constant connection between earth and Heaven.  His cross, with its vertical post stretching toward GOD and its horizontal beam extended toward man, is an absolute revelation of this truth.  It is the GOD-MAN bridging a vast spiritual chasm, providing AT-ONE-MENT with the Father.  Through Christ, time touches eternity and eternity touches time. (Hebrews 7:25)

The Christian celebration of PENTECOST is celebrated precisely 50 days after the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.  At the ascension of JESUS CHRIST (40 days after His resurrection), 120 disciples were directed to the Upper Room to await the arrival of the HOLY SPIRIT.  He would come to grant an inward endowment of spiritual authority so they would be able to do “greater works” than their Lord – not qualitatively, but QUANTITATIVELY, since multiplied millions of believers would be empowered for global ministry. (John 14:12 – Acts 1:8)

The indwelling Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost (both titles are appropriate to use) provides truth, comfort, guidance, spiritual fruit and spiritual gifts to enable disciples to establish the Kingdom of God in the earth. (John 16:13 – John 14:26 – Galatians 5:22-15 – I Corinthians 12:4-13)

As the Third Person of the Trinity, the HOLY SPIRIT, moves and ministers in the earth on behalf of the Father and in the stead of the Son.  The HOLY SPIRIT is MISSION CRITICAL to the fulfillment of covenant and the achievement of KINGDOM.  His manifold graces and operations include the following:

THE HOLY GHOST is our Convictor. (Acts 8:12-13)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Regenerator. (John 3:6-8)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Sanctifier. (I Thessalonians 5:23)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Power Source. (Acts 1:8 ~ Mark 16:20)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Paraclete, the One who walks alongside. (John 15:26-27)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Communicator. (Ephesians 6:19 ~ II Thessalonians 3:1)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Spirit of Truth, our lie detector. (John 14:19 ~ I John 5:6 ~ Acts 5:1-5)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Deliverer. (Acts 12:3-11)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Healer. (Acts 3:1-9)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Discerner. (I Corinthians 2:14)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Miracle Worker. (Acts 2:43)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Problem Solver. (Acts 15:1-3)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Assurance, Confidence and Boldness. (I Thessalonians 1:5 ~ Acts 4:29-31)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Joy. (I Thessalonians 1:6)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Living God. (II Corinthians 3:3)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Resurrection Facilitator. (Romans 8:11)
THE HOLY GHOST is our Kingdom Fulfiller. (I Corinthians 4:20)

QUESTION: “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?” (Acts 19:2)  Like every other grace that is a faith endowment through Jesus Christ, we must simply believe and receive.  “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:13)  SO JUST ASK!  Sisters and brothers, walk in the Spirit and be continually blessed! (Galatians 5:16;25)

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