Wednesday, June 11, 2014



I thought it would be nice to share some of the random, practical, life lessons I have accumulated along the way.  Perhaps, I will reveal more of my personal thoughts at some point in the future.  Hopefully, these observations will motivate deeper reflection as you move forward in life.

Winning isn’t everything; it’s not even close.

If I never fail, it means I never tried enough, or dreamed enough, or risked enough.

First impressions count; consistent impressions count more.

Kind words give life, hope and energy for forward progress.

The blame game is an exercise in futility and stupidity.

Pride and arrogance are the appetizers of the last meal before a fall.

Save your shots because you have limited rounds in your proverbial weapon.
[Note: This lesson applies anywhere: groups, businesses, relationships, etc.]

Marriage isn’t a competition; it’s a covenant, a commitment and a divine partnership.

Friendships are important, but family is forever.

There is a distinct difference between the institutional and invisible church.

Never be afraid to agree with God, even if you are in the minority.

Sometimes it’s smart to be silent.

Whenever you criticize, be prepared to share a solution.

Dedication and determination are the seeds of inspiration and success.

Negativity is the progenitor of frustration and bad health.

God supplies needs and wants to His children.

The key to fulfillment is finding and engaging your created purpose.

If you want to change your habits and outcomes, change your thinking.

Give generously of your time, talent and treasure.

Intelligence is great; wisdom is greater.

Faith is confidence in God’s Word.

Moderation is the key to balanced living.

Saving money and having good credit really do matter.

Be courageous; stand up!

Governing your life by committee never works.

Honesty and integrity trump image and appearance.

Always forgive, even in the absence of apologies or forgiveness from others.

Only a fool reveals everything on his mind.

Reputation is debatable; character is a sure and secret covenant with God.

Be the kind of friend you seek.

You truly do get wiser with age.

Be discerning about the times because Christ will return soon.


-From my father, Bishop Joseph E. Bass, one of many lessons on balance:
“What do you have that you did not receive?”

-From my mother, Mrs. Mary Watts Bass, one of many lessons on perspective:
“Only what you do for Christ will last.”

I would really love to hear one of YOUR life lessons, if you are willing to share.  Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed!

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