Thursday, June 19, 2014



You are a designer original because, of the seven billion people alive on Planet Earth, no one has your particular hands or fingerprints.  Our hands are truly powerful, both figuratively and literally.  However, despite the power and potential resident in human hands, it all pales in comparison to the omnipotent hands of God!  Thus, no human being can boast of any degree of self-actualized or self-attained success.  Indeed, every bit of our goodness and usefulness is the handiwork of GOD. (James 1:17)  Herein is the uniqueness of humanity.  As God’s creative finale, we are touched (directly) by the hands of God.

Bottom-line: ALL OF US continually stand in need of a touch by THE MASTER’S HAND!  But many err, not knowing one simple truth: The KEY to receiving GOD’S HAND…is seeking GOD’S FACE. (Psalm 27:8)

There is a direct cause and effect connection between our hands and God’s hands.  That is, what we do with our hands has a direct impact on what GOD does with His hands.

Therefore, Psalm 134:2 invites us to “LIFT [OUR] HANDS in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.”  Therefore, I Timothy 2:8 requires us to “LIFT UP HOLY HANDS, without wrath and doubting.”  And James 4:8 reminds us, “If you draw nigh to God…He will draw nigh to you!”  What we do with our hands has a direct impact on what GOD does with His hands.

In other words, OUR HANDS, lifted in PRAYER AND PRAISE, ACTUALLY MOVE GOD’S HANDS!  As the old song goes, “When PRAISES go up…BLESSINGS come down!”  Our grandparents confirmed this truth via another simple song:  “If I couldn’t say a word, I’d just WAVE MY HANDS!”  JESUS and US…HAND IN HAND…what aN AWESOME TEAM! 

Since we are on the same team, perhaps we should develop some Hand Signals with OUR GOD!  How so?  First let’s take a look at the natural, then we’ll better apprehend the spiritual.  Some years ago, I visited my family in Pennsylvania and I attended a professional baseball game featuring the Pittsburgh Pirates versus the Houston Astros.  I observed secret hand signals between the pitcher and the catcher, unknown by the batter and the opposing team.  Through silent hand signals, they were able to communicate the kind of pitch that should be thrown, e.g. a fast ball, a curve ball, etc.  This private communication enabled them to gain an advantage over the opposing team.

Similarly, WE NEED TO DEVELOP HAND SIGNALS with GOD, unknown to our enemy – just in case we might get into a bind and need His help – just in case things get so intense that we cannot speak out loud to Him!   We need spiritual hand signals!  Daily intimacy with Christ is mission critical to this interpersonal communication process.  It is the underlying reason for David’s determination to commune constantly with God, despite temporary situations or setbacks.  He vowed, “I will bless the Lord at all times. His praises shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1)

From the very beginning, the hands of Jesus Christ were anointed. (Acts 10:38)  But there is another reason why there is such supernatural healing virtue in HIS hands.  It is because SCARRED HANDS HEAL BEST!  That is, JESUS CHRIST became OUR WOUNDED HEALER.  In other words, HIS WOUNDS…HEAL…OUR WOUNDS. (Isaiah 53:5)

Just in case you missed the scriptural announcement, we too (GOD’S PEOPLE) are WOUNDED HEALERS.  As ambassadors of Christ, our wounds carry the potential to heal the world’s wounds.  That is one reason why we have gone through so much in our personal and professional lives.  Nevertheless, even when we are wounded, even when our vessels become marred, we are still in THE POTTER’S HANDS! (Jeremiah 18:1-4)

Question: Wouldn’t you rather be in GOD’S HANDS, than in the hands of men?  In case you are wondering what GOD has in Mind for us, the ultimate design of the Creator is to SHAPE US INTO HAND TOOLS!  As CLAY IN THE MASTER’S HANDS, God’s ultimate goal is to SHAPE US INTO HAND TOOLS that are useful and usable by Him!  The intended end-result is this: WE BECOME THE EXTENDED HANDS OF THE LORD!  WE BECOME POWER TOOLS OF CHRIST!  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman church, “for you are back from death and you want to be tools in the hands of God, to be used for his good purposes.” (Romans 6:13, The Living Bible)   We are in God’s Hands for a very distinct PURPOSE.  That is, HIS POWER IS ON DISPLAY IN US.  In other words…WE ARE IN HIS order to…BECOME HIS HANDS!

Jesus Christ summarizes our place of power with these words: “These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall LAY HANDS on the sick, and they shall recover.”  (Mark 16:17-18)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed…more to come tomorrow!

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