Monday, November 25, 2019



God created each and every one of us with extraordinary and unique gifts.  The key to life is discovering, developing and deploying them.  For so many, life becomes a meaningless and meandering journey to nowhere, simply because we have not yet encountered and embraced the primary reason for our being.

Now hear this: YOU are on this planet for a PURPOSE!

In God’s divine economy and efficiency, you would never have been created if something superbly special did not reside in your body, mind and spirit.  What you just might be lacking is a CLEAR VISION of who you are, what you will become and how you will be of enduring service to others.

For the next several days, we will highlight several dynamic Kingdom Principles presented by the late great Dr. Myles Munroe in March of 2004.

“Vision is seeing what GOD sees.”

To this end, my personal life-vision includes the phrase, “loving, learning and living, from GOD’S point-of-view.”  You and I are much more (infinitely more) than the natural elements that make up our human bodies.  In fact, we are supernatural in the sense that we have been endowed at birth with the “pneuma,” the living breath of Almighty God.  All too often, this key spiritual insight is ‘lost in the sauce’ of the hustle,  bustle and hassle of daily living.  In a word, our world has become fully addicted to ‘speed.’  We move much too fast.  We live much too fast.  We make decisions much too fast.  Memo to ourselves: “SLOW DOWN!”  We must pause long enough to seriously reflect on what GOD had in mind when He created us.  Surely, that is more than our daily nine-to-five, the next shopping expedition, or the material goods in our possession.

King Solomon penned these insightful words: “Where there is no VISION, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)  Which is to say, if I am not SEEING what GOD sees in me, I am liable to destroy my destiny by drifting through life via a series of random, haphazard, knee-jerk actions that have no place in the mind or will of God.

My friend, GOD sees you.  Question:  Do YOU see you?

Think about it and stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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