Wednesday, November 27, 2019



On this Thursday we celebrate the American national holiday known as “Thanksgiving Day.”  This commemoration was launched unofficially by a group of Pilgrims who departed permanently from England on September 6, 1620.  After a rather rough two-month sea voyage, they landed at the site that would later be designated as Plymouth, Massachusetts.  Due to the extreme harshness of their first winter in The New World (along with a profound lack of preparation), one-half of these settlers died by the spring of 1621. 

Nevertheless, they were blessed to receive the skillful assistance of Native Americans, who helped them to plant crops and prepare adequately for the next winter.  With profound gratitude to God for an overflowing harvest, the Pilgrims held a three-day feast, commencing on December 13, 1621.  The governor of the fledgling Massachusetts Colony dispatched four men who hunted for enough fowl and deer to feed everyone.  The Native Americans celebrated alongside, with a large aggregation led by King Massasoit and ninety of his men.  On that day Pilgrim Edward Winslow recorded a colonial proclamation which stated that “by the goodness of God…we are far from want.” 

President Abraham Lincoln officially inaugurated Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday in 1863, midway through the American Civil War.  Today in the USA, Thanksgiving has become the most traveled day of the year.  Multiplied millions take to the airways and highways to share a delightful family day focused on food and fellowship, with the traditional turkey at the heart of their culinary feast.

It has often been said that, for Christians, every day should be a day of thanksgiving.  The Word of God clearly agrees and admonishes the believer, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:18) 

In that thankful frame of mind, please allow me to share a few things for which I am eternally grateful to our God.  Words cannot describe how much I treasure God’s grace and mercy, reflected in the life, suffering, death and resurrection of His only begotten Son.  Jesus, from my heart I thank you for living and dying (and living again) for me.  And I am also grateful for the gift of exceptional and Godly parents, who raised ten children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and with sufficient capacities to succeed in this world system, and beyond.  I thank God for the siblings that I dearly love (four sisters and five brothers) and the fact that most of us are yet in the land of the living.  Last December, we lost our eldest sister, Wilma; and our brother, Dwight, passed on at a very early age.

I am so grateful, Lord, for my phenomenal wife, Belinda, for my gifted children, my thirteen ‘sainted’ grandchildren (who can do no wrong), and for two adorable great-granddaughters.  I am highly favored and truly blessed.

Thank You, Lord, for a reasonable portion of health and strength.  Thank You for the use and activity of my limbs.  Thank You for the ability to speak, to hear, to feel, to smell and to see.  Thank You for our lovely home, our cars, our clothes, our income and the ability to meet our financial obligations.

Thank You for the significant Kingdom ministry that you have assigned to us.  Thank You for endowing genuine compassion and a burden for souls.  Thank You for granting us with the will, energy and resources to do our small part in fulfilling The Great Commission via global missions.  Thank You for the spiritual fruit, gifts and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  Thank You for the opportunity to have received a solid education, for the ability to think, to reflect, to evaluate and to make sound judgments.  Thank You for the ability to write with clarity and creativity and thank you for the anointing to teach and proclaim your Word with simplicity and sincerity.

Thank You for your encouragement, your direction and your wise instruction for righteousness living.  Thank You for allowing me to be called by Your Name.  I am a “Christian,” one of Your own.  Thank You for “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” (I Timothy 3:15)  Thank You for your limitless love and your infinite kindness.  Thank You for picking me up whenever I fail or fall.  Thank You for your blood that cleanses me, your Spirit that teaches me, your Word that strengthens me and your people who edify me.

Thank you for the all the things that I have been through, the pluses and the minuses, the experiences that have shaped me and positioned me for serving others.  Thank you that I am still standing.  I am eternally grateful, Lord, and I appreciatively thank YOU…in all things…and for all things.  JESUS, WHAT A WONDER YOU ARE!  On this Thanksgiving Day, and every day, WE, your people, are humbly grateful for our great and good CREATOR.  From our hearts, LORD, we thank you.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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