Monday, November 25, 2019



We are all true VISIONARIES.  To master life and destiny, we must learn to SEE ourselves and our definite uniqueness.  God created each of us with extraordinary gifts.  The key to life is discovering, developing and deploying the primary reason for our being.  Bottom-line: YOU and I are on this planet for a DIVINE PURPOSE!

Let’s go further into the dynamic Kingdom Principles presented by the late great Dr. Myles Munroe:

“Vision is seeing the future now, and preparing to go there.”

The very fact that we were created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26) suggests that we were endowed at birth with great IMAGINATION, or the ability to SEE and CREATE our future.  Therefore, vision is the next best thing to time travel.  God gave us imagination so we can take a tour of our future, come back to our present, then prepare to go there!  To wit, God is always disappointed with small visions.  After all, He is a great and glorious God. 

Dr. Myles Munroe taught, “Give God something so big that He has to act like God to bring it to pass.”  Wow!  In the words my missionary mentor, Dr. John Haggai, “Dare to see a vision that is so large that it is doomed to failure, save God be in it.”  Wow!

One effective satanic distraction is to cause us to fixate on present day circumstances.  Seeing yourself as too small and your challenges as too great is a paralyzing activity.  The truth is that God gives great vision while we are still small because great things are born in obscure mangers.  Consider the advent of Jesus.  Think.

Everyone should craft a PERSONAL VISION STATEMENT.  Why?  Because VISION IS PURPOSE IN PICTURES.  But consider this: To have true vision, you must close your eyes – because the eyes are the greatest barrier to divine vision.  The most accomplished athletes take a moment prior to their performances to mentally envision success.  The alpine ski jumper SEES herself propelling gracefully from the mountain slope and sailing through the air with the greatest of excellence and ease. 

How do you SEE yourself…and how do you SEE your future?  Incidentally, if people laugh at your vision (at first), that is one wonderful clue that it just might be GOD-SIZED, i.e. super-naturally sized, and that you are right on track.  There must only one initial believer in a true vision; and that, my friend, is YOU.

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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