Wednesday, November 13, 2019



My daughter, Kimberly Bass-Seaton, is a life coach and an administrator at a major university in Georgia.  In her coaching practice, she utilizes an acronym that has great significance as to how we should conduct our daily affairs.  Ironically, that acronym is also her abbreviated name, K.I.M., which stands for KEEP IT MOVING.  Her motto reminds me of the words of Benjamin Franklin.  He wrote, “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.”

So, keep it moving!

Rick Phillips writes, “Much of our life is like climbing a mountain.  Each year we have a new mountain to climb to reach our goals and we struggle to meet our progress expectations.  We have a choice.  We can grumble about how unfair it is to start over from the bottom of the mountain or we can just get busy.”

Sometimes, we stumble on the way up and we lose ground.  In a word, LIFE HAPPENS.

But we always have choices.  We can stop off at the nearest plateau and have a pity party, mumbling and grumbling about the progress we have lost, or we can plant our stake and begin to climb upwards again.

We can never start from where we WERE; we have to start where we ARE.  Otherwise, we will spend the rest of our lives looking at where we used to be and never find ourselves reaching the heights of our original goal.

Many waste time while worrying, ‘Will I ever reach my ultimate goal?’

That’s not the right question.  The question is, ‘Can I take my next step in the right direction?’

One day at a time.  One step at a time. The journey is just as important as the destination; perhaps, even more so. 

For today, set your sights on the very next objective that will take you in the direction of your ultimate dream.  Think about it.  Or, as one of my elementary school workbooks stated so succinctly and eloquently, “THINK AND DO!”

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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