Monday, June 27, 2022



 I am personally convinced that EFFORT trumps intellect, environment, education, geography, socio-economic standing and many other situational variables that people associate with opportunities for success.  It seems in life that honest, diligent, consistent effort is crowned king.  After reading many biographies, I have concluded that the human characteristic of effort is the common denominator of high achievers.

 Consider this.  A group of social researchers published a contrasting study of Japanese mothers and American mothers living in Minneapolis.  Both groups of mothers were asked to identify the most important thing that children need to succeed.  The responses are very revealing regarding the distinct difference in the two cultures.  Most American mothers chose “ability” as the primary ingredient of success.  The Japanese mothers collectively reported that “effort” is most important.

 There’s a valuable lesson embedded in that study.  If we could just try a little harder, both individually and collectively, some of the solutions to our major societal challenges might be more easily conceivable and achievable.  After all, at the very core of effort is FAITH.  It carries the firm conviction that results which seem just out of reach are indeed possible and doable.  TRY!  Let’s all offer a bit of added effort…to be nicer, friendlier, more flexible, more fair and truly consistent in our daily encounters with the people and conditions that make up this complex journey called life.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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