Tuesday, May 31, 2022



 I read an intriguing statistic this morning that resulted in some sobering self-reflection.  Here it goes: “Among Americans, 87% own running shoes but never run.”  WOW…they were all up in my ‘Kool-Aid’ and seemed to know the flavor!

 The path of least resistance is a familiar one that results in something we call “Manana Syndrome.”  Our Spanish compatriots would tell us that “manana” simply means tomorrow.  Honestly, don’t most of us have a tendency to procrastinate - delaying the ‘hard stuff’ until some future time or situation?

 In “Men Who Met God,” A.W. Tozer suggests that this behavioral tendency frequently carries over into our Christian discipline, or lack thereof.  He writes, “We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living.  This attitude finds its way into the church.  We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury.  As a result, discipline has practically disappeared.  What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician's instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not ‘disciplined’?” 

 For many, discipline is a long-forgotten commodity.  In fact, cemeteries are loaded with unattended visions, incomplete projects, unfinished books, unfulfilled careers, etc. , etc., etc.  So what shall we do about it?  Instead of allowing life’s ‘running shoes’ to lie dormant in some circumstantial closet, let’s put them on, dash out the door, and dare to run!

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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