Wednesday, September 21, 2022



The National and International Religion Report cited a poll conducted by the Times Mirror Company which states that more than four out of every five Americans agreed that “we all will be called before God on Judgment Day to answer for our sins.”  However, the results of this poll seem completely out of synch with the attitudes and behaviors that dominate our society.

While the majority of us purport to hold faith in Jesus Christ, cultural conditions do not seem to reflect the same.  Perhaps, unlike atheists who patently deny the existence of God, we are becoming a nation of what I call “practical atheists,” people who state they believe in God, but live as if there is no God.

My friend, current global conditions constitute very clear and sure signs that we are living in the End-Time.  I am convinced that the return of Christ is much sooner than is generally thought.  This does not mean that we should panic or live in fear, but surely we must now become much more serious about establishing a covenant relationship with Him and pursuing it diligently – with heart, mind and spirit.  Are you in?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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