Thursday, September 22, 2022



In the 17th century, the English poet, John Donne, penned these wise words: “No man is an island.”  It’s an important truth that all should regard and remember.  Indeed, we were created by our God to live in community – in close and constant fellowship with one another.  Therefore, any person who boasts “I don’t need anybody” is profoundly foolish and possibly friendless.

G. Osborn Gregory shares an insightful metaphor regarding our interdependence and need for one another.  Please read and prayerfully ponder.

Who flies the kite?  “I” said the boy.  “It is my joy.  I fly the kite.”

Who flies the kite?  “I” said the wind.  “It is my whim.  I fly the kite.”

Who flies the kite?  “I” said the string.  “I hold it.  I fly the kite.”

Who flies the kite?  “I” said the tail.  “I make it sail.  I fly the kite.”

Who flies the kite?  All are wrong and all are right.  Because all fly the kite.

My friend, you actually do need others.  And others definitely need you.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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