Monday, March 7, 2022



Stress kills.  The cemetery is replete with remains of those who underestimated its deadly danger.  I read a related article in the January 7, 1993, edition of “Bits & Pieces.”  It lists the implicit rules of the “Coronary and Ulcer Club.”  For your health’s sake, pay really close attention:


1.       Your job comes first.  Forget everything else.

2.       Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are fine times to be working at the office.  No one else will be there to bother you.

3.       Never say “no” to a request.  Always say “yes.”

4.       Accept all invitations to meetings, events, committees, etc.

5.       Any form of recreation is a waste of time.

6.       Never delegate responsibility to others; carry the entire load yourself.

7.       If your work calls for traveling, work all day and travel at night to keep the appointment you made for eight the next morning.

8.       No matter how many jobs you are already doing, you can handle one more. 

My friend, imagine a wick that is placed in an oil lamp, and then lit.  Should the oil run out, the wick will completely burn itself out.  As long as there is oil, that doesn’t happen.  Lesson learned.  Just as long as we are living in dependence on the oil of the Holy Spirit, we won't burn out.  The question all of us should seriously ask ourselves: ‘What is the source of our life-smoke, i.e. what's burning and why?

Just ‘chill out’ for a few moments.  Be sure to take care of yourself, or the next funeral you attend could be your own.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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