Tuesday, March 29, 2022



 Doug Larson’s understanding of wisdom really speaks to me.  He writes, “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have preferred to talk.”

 Wow!  If that ain’t truth, I’ll pay ya!

 Of course, we can find eternal wisdom in the Word of God, but it’s also available in a multiplicity of persons and places.  My friend, pay attention to your novel insights and ideas.  According to Solomon, “wisdom dwells with prudence and…knowledge of witty inventions.” (Proverbs 8:12)  I’ve discovered in life that you don't have to be listed in ‘Who’s Who’ to know what’s what!  So be keenly aware of your unique gifts and true value.

 Automaker Henry Ford asked an electrical genius named Charlie Steinmetz to build generators for his factory.  One day the generators broke down, and Ford’s repairmen could neither identify or solve the problem.  So Ford called Steinmetz, who tinkered with the machines for just a few hours.  When he threw the switch, those generators whirred to life – and Ford received a rather large bill from Steinmetz, for $10,000.  Flabbergasted, the tightfisted car manufacturer inquired why the charge was so high.  Steinmetz's reply: “For tinkering with the  generators, $10. For knowing where to tinker, $9,990.”  Henry Ford paid the bill.

 Wisdom comes from above. (James 1:17 and 3:17)  But it is developed and implemented on earth –  creatively cultivated by those who know precisely how and where to apply it.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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