Monday, August 29, 2022



This past weekend, we traveled to my birthplace in Western Pennsylvania.   Of course it’s always good to go home.  On Saturday, Belinda and I took our granddaughter, Kennedy, to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium which called to mind the Carnegie family, generous philanthropic supporters of regional culture.  Years ago, I learned that in Andrew Carnegie’s will he had bequeathed $1 million dollars to a family member.  That ungrateful relative actually cursed Carnegie because he had also left $365 million to public charities and had [quote] “cut me off with just one measly million.”  Wow!

Perhaps even more astounding is the fact that many people hold similar attitudes of ingratitude regarding our Creator.  Although He freely provides us the necessary air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, clothes to wear, places to live and families to grow in – yet we’re occasionally tempted to see our lives through the prism of a ‘deficit model’ – focusing selfishly on what ‘feels’ lacking to us.

My friend, if that describes your emotional station in life, it’s time for an immediate and radical change.  Remember: As long as there is life there is hope.  So stop carping, complaining and throwing pity-parties that no one attends but you!  Invest trust and faith in God, not in life’s circumstances.  And become passionate and purposeful in your gratitude.  Don’t you dare (ever) neglect the giving of heartfelt thanks.  After all, ‘thank you’ makes room for more. (I Thessalonians 5:18)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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